My happiness...

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|| Hi. This story will be cute. Bye. Oh, the GIF is not about the right year, but I love it, so shush. Also! Big change in my stories/imagines. From now on, since I have many boys reading the story as well, I've decided to put the male pronouns as well. For example: his/her (including girlfriend/boyfriend) when Elvis or someone else talks about you, or dress/blouse and skirt/shirt and pants when describing your clothing. When using GIFs, even if you're a pretty boy (take it as a compliment because, whoever you are, I love you!), just imagine that the way Elvis holds or kisses or does something to the girl, is the way he's doing it to you. I hope not to receive any hate. Otherwise, unfollow me on both here and Instagram. Because this is a public space and I am very open-minded, and since this is MY account, I'd like to write how I want. Thank you for your time. ||

Memphis, 1953.

"C'mon baby, if you come with me later I promise ya that I'll take you to the lake during the weekend!" Your boyfriend begs you, holding your hands and shaking them since he is so happy about what he wants to do. Tomorrow it will be his mother's birthday, and he wants to give her something really special. You look at him, then smirk and nod. "Alright then. I'll come, but at one condition." You reply, raising one eyebrow as he playfully salutes you. "What is it, satnin?" Your boy asks in response, making you bite your bottom lip. "I'll drive when we go to the lake." You say, looking at your boyfriend, who nods and happily kisses your lips. "Alright baby. I'll see you when you finish school. Wait for me here, 'aight? No runaways, no teasin'. Right in this exact place, so I can pick you up." He instructs you, before kissing you once again and leaving on his Crown Electric signed truck.

You head inside of the building, it's the classic American High School. Quite an old building, but with renewed rooms and toilets - thank the Lord. You walk through the hallway and look around, noticing some of the girls and boys who once were your friends, but when they knew about how poor your boyfriend was for a wealthy person like you, they just decided to leave you alone. You refuse to look at them, they do not deserve your kindness, nor your presence. You voluntarily hit one of them when walking inside your class. "Excuse me." You mumble, still looking down. The other guy looks down at you. "Watch where you're going, kid." He says, you can feel anger in his tone, and you can predict that he might be able to hit you. Yet, you keep going. "I'm not done with you-" He continues, but then another guy irrupts in, hitting your bully in his stomach. "Go, Y/N. I'll take care of him." He says. You smile at your savior: it is Red West, your boyfriend's best friend. He saved your boy too when some bullies were trying to cut his hair when he first started. 

You sit next to a girl that you just cannot stand: Trixie Mae Von Tyler. She is half American and half German. She is that pretty girl that everybody hates, but you do more since she is your boyfriend's ex. "Hi, Y/L/N. What are you doing here?" She asks you. You roll your eyes and do not reply. "I asked you a question, Y/L/N!" She glares at you, so you turn your head and stare into her eyes. "And I don't want to answer." You reply, before fixing your books on the desk, including the pencil and rubber. 

"Alright, today we are going to talk about the structure of the text. You can see that in a text there can be many different clauses, such as this, this and that." The teacher explains, boring you out even before the start. Instead of taking notes, you just decide to write your boy's name in a small angle of the book, surrounding it with hearts and flowers. You love him so much, he is so cute and sweet with you. "Y/L/N!" You are awakened from your thoughts by the teacher, who yells your surname. You look up at her and frown. "Y- Yes, miss Konrad?" You reply, blushing softly. "Would you mind... Going to the first floor, room 291 and grab the envelope that mister Kingston needs to give me?" She asks, making you breathe a sigh of relief - you thought she was going to make you read something out loud, or even go and write some things on the blackboard. You stand up from your seat and walk out of the room, the sound of your shoes is the only thing you can hear. 

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