My way...

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|| WARNING: This story is NOT going to be sad. I just want to use this period. Because yes, I love Elvis in every period. Also, the GIF is just to focus on the period, not on the occasion. ||

It is 1977.

You are looking at your husband from behind the scenes. He is performing his last show of the year, since the tour will be over after that. You remember him in his early years, he was young, a total cricket when coming to dancing, and he truly was a handsome boy. Now... He is grown up. He is not a wild dancer anymore, yet he still is the most handsome man you have ever seen. 

You love to hear My Way  performed by him. You liked Sinatra's version, but Elvis'... Oh, your husband's one is definitely more powerful. His voice echoes in the stadium, even if it is an open space. He sings with his eyes closed while playing the piano as Charlie Hodge holds his microphone. You place a hand on your heart, smiling happily as he sings the last verse. "The record shows... I took the blows... And did it... My... Way!!! " You then clap along with his fans, his musicians and the people backstage. You cannot help but scream as well, it reminds you of when you first saw one of his live concerts. It was 1957.

You look at him, shaking those legs and swinging those beautiful, long, manly arms

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You look at him, shaking those legs and swinging those beautiful, long, manly arms. He is wearing a black shirt and a pair of black pants, all covered by a gold lamé jacket. He is performing Jailhouse Rock, his most recent song after the movie with the same title as the song. He is having his show in Tupelo, his hometown. You look on the stage. Bill Black, his bassist, is smiling and laughing uncontrollably; it is weird to you that he is always hyperactive when on stage. Scotty Moore, his guitarist. Oh, how you love and adore Scotty. He was the one who introduced you to Elvis, and you will always be thankful to him. Then, way back, there is DJ Fontana, Elvis' drummer. They all form a unique, strong team that will never break. Elvis dances his way back to the microphone and holds it, leaning it down to one side while doing the Windmill. That is your favorite dance move of his, mostly because of the fact that he is the sexiest.

 That is your favorite dance move of his, mostly because of the fact that he is the sexiest

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You look at the band now. Everybody is different, except for Elvis. He stands up from the stool and walks to the edge of the stage, bowing down and thanking everybody. "Thank you, thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. You guys are a fantastic audience, thank you." He says, speaking loudly on the microphone. "Until next time, good luck, good bye and may God bless y'all like he has blessed me. Adios." He finally speaks, before walking backstage again. You hug him immediately, congratulating yourself with him. "Elvis, you were wonderful out there. As always. I'm so proud of you, my love!!" You exclaim, kissing his sweaty cheek. He hugs you back and chuckles, having one hand in your hair. "I'm all sweaty, honey..." You both laugh as he pulls away, looking at you. "Baby, y'know I love you but I really need to take a shower or I'll melt just like Frosty the Snowman under the Sun." Elvis says, making you laugh, before walking to the changing room. 

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