Let's be friends... With benefits. (Part 2)

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|| Here's part 2! Hopefully it will be the last! ||

You open your eyes again, almost finding yourself completely surrounded by water. You quickly sit up, smiling a little. Damn, Elvis still makes you go head over heels.

{The next day}

Elvis' P.O.V

I wake up from my neverendin' sleep, stretchin' my arms and legs. I rub my eyes and look at the alarm clock, sighin' when I see the time: 7:35. I hate wakin' up early, yet I have an appointment this mornin', which I can't miss. It might make me get to work in a hospital, so no more strugglin' with my own studio.

I get up from my bed, only wearin' my blue boxer-briefs. I yawn and rub the back of my head, then I grab my red robe which was hangin' in the closet. I still don't know why I always leave that closet open. It's a sort of habit thing, I just can't help it. I walk to the bathroom, washin' my face and mindin' my own business when my telephone starts ringin'. I dry my face and rush to the livin' room, takin' a deep breath since I hope it isn't the man I'm meetin' today. I pick up the receiver and speak. "Hello?" I say, havin' that typical rough mornin' voice. "Elvis! Thank God you replied!" A female voice replies from the other side, so I chuckle. "Good mornin' back at you, Y/N." I sarcastically tell her, smilin' a little. Unconsciously or not, I'm glad she phoned me. We talk for a while, then she tells me she has to hang up since she gotta go out soon. Little does she know that I'm gonna meet her father in 30 minutes. 

I place the receiver back in place and walk to the kitchen, takin' deep-fried biscuits, sausage patties, fried bacon, and four scrambled eggs. With extra butter. Why all that? Well, mostly because my mama used to feed me with those thingies, so I can't get over 'em. After my lovely breakfast I walk back to the bathroom, brushin' my teeth, shavin' around my sideburns to make them perfect, but also I comb my hair and put some grease on it.

I enter my room and take out a maroon shirt, combined with white trousers, from the closet. I wear them and take a pair of white shoes, puttin' them on. Once I'm ready, I take a pack of cigars and shove it in my pocket. After that, I walk out of the room and out of the house, headin' to the man's office.

I greet some people I find on the way, some of them were my teachers while I was at the University of Memphis

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I greet some people I find on the way, some of them were my teachers while I was at the University of Memphis. I remember this one time when I was still studyin', Y/N and I started datin' by then. 


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