I'm yours by heck.

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|| Hello, fellas. This story will be a bit strange, because it will also involve Frank Sinatra. Also, this isn't done to disrespect Elvis nor Frank. I love both of them! Get ready, some scenes will be mature but I will warn you each time I put one. Enjoy reading! ||

May 12, 1960.

Elvis Presley, your boyfriend, just got back from his Military Service and got discharged from the US Army.  You can't wait to finally see him for the night, he promised you he is going to meet you at your house, since some of his friends are going to bring him back from the airport. 

You look at yourself at the mirror and smile, closing your eyes as you spray some perfume on your neck and collarbone; Elvis had sent you this perfume while he was away, he wanted you to wear it on your first night together after his duty. Even if he was far away from you, he always seemed protective and caring, you love this of him. You get up from the stool in front of the vanity desk and walk downstairs to the big living room of Elvis' mansion, Graceland. 

Elvis' father, Vernon, approaches you and sits on the sofa. "Y/N, I can see you're pretty excited to see my boy." He tells you, making you jump a little since you are intensely looking out of the window, in the desperate research of Elvis. You turn around and nod your head, agreeing with him. "Yes, yes I do, mister Presley." You reply, smiling nicely. You love Vernon so much, but sometimes you are scared, he's always been serious after Gladys passed away; you understand him, losing a loved one isn't easy. You decide to sit next to Vernon, who gently holds your hand in gratitude. "Thank you for bein' next to Elvis, Y/N. He really needs a female figure like you." He tells you; his southern accent highly reminds you of Elvis. You smile and thank him, feeling quite special.

Soon, you hear the door unlocking. You suddenly stand up from the sofa and rush to the door, hugging Elvis tightly. He drops his bags on the floor and lifts you up in his arms while hugging you. "Y/N, darl', it's so good to see you! I was gonna miss you forever if I didn't come back!" He says, kissing your forehead. "You'll tell me everything, will you?" You ask him, being a little curious about his daily life on the field. He nods his head, then goes to Vernon. "Hey, pa'! I missed you so much!" He tells his father. You watch them for a while, then you try to drag the bags to the stairs, but you miserably fail since they are too heavy. "No, hey babe, no." Elvis says, coming to you and taking the bags. "Wait for me here, will ya? I'm comin' in a second." He tells you, kissing your soft lips. 

You smile nicely at him and walk back to the living room, sitting down on the sofa once again. You are happy that he is back, you hate having to wait for him, but mostly, you hate missing him. Vernon looks at you. "Y/N, Elvis will probably have a show tonight. I have a spare entrance ticket if you wanna go with him." He says, smiling at you. You kindly shake your head. "No, mister Presley, keep it. Please." You respond, not wanting to sound like a desperate fangirl of your boyfriend - even if you are one. 

Some minutes pass, Elvis walks back downstairs and looks at you. "Ready, baby? We're goin'." He asks you, smiling. You take a moment to look at him: he is wearing a black tuxedo with a bowtie around his neck; his hair is styled as always, the typical pompadour. He looks a bit skinnier than the last time you saw him, his jaw is showing. You stand up, fixing your lilac dress and the bow on your head. Your hair is backcombed, with a ton of hairspray on it. Elvis smiles at you. "You're lookin' so perfect tonight, darl'. I mean, you always look perfect but tonight you're just so special." He says, caressing your cheek. He then looks at his father. "Pa', you comin' too?" He asks. Vernon nods his head and stands up from the sofa, grabbing his coat and wearing his shoes. You put on your lilac high heels and head out of the mansion with Elvis and his father. 

Your boyfriend approaches the black Cadillac, he doesn't use the pink one since Gladys' death. Elvis politely asks his father to drive, since he would like to spend some time with you. You climb inside the car, cuddling yourself close to Elvis. He places a hand on your back, rubbing it up and down. "You look so skinny, Elvis." You tell him, smiling. He chuckles softly and looks at you. "It's because I've been trainin' and runnin' every mornin'. Maybe some service did me good, don't you think?" He asks you, smirking softly. You nod your head and kiss his jawline, making him feel light goosebumps.

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