Separate ways.

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|| Hey guys! So, this story is based on a Spanish short film called "Ana y Manuel" and when I saw it for my homework I immediately thought about it as if Elvis was the male star in that. It will be a little different from what I usually write, but still I hope it is readable lol. Anyway, enjoy! I had to invent a song by Dustin Springfield, so don't judge. ||

Summer, 1969. 

You just had the genial idea to buy yourself a dog. 

You walk into the pet shop and have a look around. You are wearing a yellow shirt with a pair of black flared trousers. Everything started when Elvis left you, and the best thing that came to your mind was substituting him with a big dog, with a lot of fur and a big mouth. As you see the animals, your eyes fall on a puppy of Labrador Retriever, which looks at you and makes an adorable noise. This makes you remember the old times. 


You have always been against keeping animals as pets. You think it is cruel to the animal and not so hygienic for the people. In fact, you want Elvis to get rid of the tortoise that his friends gave him for his birthday. It is a sunny spring day. You and your boyfriend are near a lake, he his holding a red plastic basket with the tortoise in it. "Why honey?" He asks you, not wanting to let the animal go. You do not answer, you look down and play with the water by kicking it gently with your feet. Elvis bends down and carefully lays the reptile in the muddy water. You look at the tortoise. It is big and ugly. You remember having nightmares about it, haunting you around the house and wanting to eat you. You kept the animal in the bath tub for two weeks before your nightmares started. You remember also suddenly waking up during the night, sweating and cuddling into Elvis. It took you a lot of work to convince your boyfriend to get rid of the pet. And here you are, releasing the tortoise. Once it is gone, you walk back into the woods to get to the road. Elvis instead sits there in the nature for a while. You are not talking about the situation again, but you know how much he would have loved to have a kitten, a puppy or a bird.

You grab some dog toys, a leash, a collar, two bowls and the dog food; then, you see everything you bought passing on the cash desk as the cashier prices it. Maybe it was for that, for that feeling of revenge, that you bought a dog now that Elvis is gone. Now that you aren't here, I'm buying a dog and you won't meet him. This is what you thought. But you know that he will never discover it, since he left you. "Do you want me to pack it?" The cashier asks, looking at you while holding the dog. You awkwardly shake your head. What a (failed) revenge..! 

You finally get home: even if you and Elvis went separate ways, you still live in the same house. He decided to move back with his father, in another part of the city of Memphis. When you arrive home, you lay all the things on the kitchen table, including the dog. You think about what the cashier said: "Give it a short name, one syllable, so that it will remember immediately." You decide to call him (because it is a male) Elv. You like it because it is 3/5 of Elvis and it sounds similar to "elf", one of your favorite supernatural creatures. "Even if you are a part of Elvis, you are more of a man than him." You tell the dog, looking into his big puppy eyes. This furry friend brings you joy and happiness already.

Some weeks pass, and you are sitting on the bed, looking through the album of yours and Elvis' memories. It shatters your heart to know that he might be with another woman, to know that you have lost what you had just because of a tortoise. You wish you could turn back time and accept the animal... You miss the presence of Elvis inside the house. You never thought you could depend on a man, until you met him. He has always been there for you, he has helped you through the worst times and laughed with you in the best times. You close the album and take a deep breath. Elvis has a part of "elv" and the other of "is". Why do you need that part that means nothing? It only brings memories and sadness. You put your hand on the "is" and you smile at yourself: Y/N and Elv sounds a lot better!

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