Little sister.

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|| Hello beautiful humans. This time, the story will be a little different. Also, I apologize if I am not so quick at posting but it's because of my mental health and University as well. Nevertheless, I will try and continue publishing until I run out of ideas. May you enjoy. ||

Memphis, 1964.

"C'mon Y/N! We don't have the entire day!!!" Your brother yells while downstairs, waiting for you. You are in the bathroom, getting ready for today since it is the first time the both of you have a day off. "Y/N?! Do I have to come up and pull ya by the ears?!" He yells again, therefore you storm out of the toilette, having a ponytail and wearing a pink lumberjack shirt, combined with a pair of high waisted black jeans. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" 

Once you arrive downstairs, you see your brother wearing a black shirt and black trousers, he is so handsome to you. "Gee darlin', you're always so late." He says, gently poking your little white nose. "So, what are you guys doing today?" Your father asks, looking at the both of you. "I'm takin' her hikin'." Your brother says, and you immediately kick his knee from the side. "Ouch! What was that for?!" He yells, looking at you and rubbing his knee. "You're taking me shopping! It's my day, not yours!" You strike back as your father tries to stop you both. "Hey, hey... Chill. He will take you on a hike some other day. Come on Elvis, be understanding." 

Your brother looks at the grey-haired man, then he looks at you. "Okey, but only this time! Next time we go out together ya better do as I say. Understood?" He says as you stick your tongue out. "Yeah sure, we'll see." You playfully roll your eyes as you move towards the door, followed by your brother. Once you and your sibling are finally outside the house, he whispers: "I didn't want daddy to know 'bout it, why'd you done that? I wanted him to think that I was gonna take you to the mountains..." He says, pouting and sighing as he walks to the black Lincoln Continental Mark 5, unlocking it and letting you in first. You sigh as well: "You didn't tell me about it... You tell me useless things like your sideburns and not about that?"

In that moment, you see your black-haired brother rubbing his cheeks. "Sideburns what?! I shaved 'em! J- Joe won the bet..." He says, looking down and starting the engine. You cannot help but giggle, having him mock you right away. "You're somethin' else, Y/N, I tell ya." Then, he starts driving to the Graceland's gates, you looking out of the window as you see Bow Tie, the turkey, and Scatter, the chimpanzee, playing in the field. You always wonder why your brother has such weird animals: you love them, you just find them weird because he does not have cats, just animals of all sizes. 

Soon, your big brother turns on the radio and starts humming to Great Balls of Fire, by Jerry Lee Lewis. You look at him, you wonder why your boyfriends always ran away when they saw him. He is such a goofball, he would not hurt a fly. "Y/N, can I ask you somethin'?" He asks, focusing on the road while I Want To Hold Your Hand  by the Beatles comes on the radio. You nod and smile at Elvis. "W- Why ain't ya uhm... W- With a man?" You are quite shocked at his question, but you look at him and reply. "Well, Elvis... They always run away. It's like you scare them." You giggle a little when you tell him so, you find it weird. "S- Scare them? How?" He asks, looking at you and stopping at a red light. "I don't know, probably because of how you look or because of who you are. But honestly Elv, I like the single life. I can be me without anyone to judge me." You respond, shrugging. "Honey... Ya need to get someone. I know you don't wanna get judged and stuff, but you gotta have a man by your side. I can't always be there." 

These words break you. You begin to feel sick, starting to think about the saddest things, such as death and apocalypse, you really do not want your brother to leave you. Your head starts spinning, you try and close your eyes but everything gets worse. "E- Elvis... S- Stop the car..." You whine, he immediately pulls on the side and gets out, running to you and carrying you. You barely can see, but you can feel that he is laying you down on the grass. "What happens, darl'?! Talk to me... W- What can I do?" You cannot answer, you feel too bad. 

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