Catching on fast. (Part 1)

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|| In this story Elvis isn't famous and he has an identical twin brother, I didn't use his real twin brother's name, Jesse, since I don't want to disrespect him. I hope you'll enjoy! P.S: it will have mature themes. ||

1964, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee.

You and your parents decide to go on holiday during the spring break. 

Your mom pulls the curtains of your room's window, causing a lot of bright light to come inside your room. You squint your eyes, looking at your mother. "Mom? Why did you do that?" You ask her, frowning and covering your eyes. "You have to wake up, young lady! You wouldn't want to miss the bus to the Great Smoky Mountains!" She says, as if you are an army soldier  or something similar. 

You roll your eyes and sit up, yawning while still hugging your pillow. You then place the pillow aside and choose to get up, walking towards the bathroom to take a quick shower before packing the final things for your trip. Once you are back into your room, a towel is wrapped around your body. You open your closet: only two pieces of clothing are there; a yellow tank top and a white mini skirt. You softly tap the towel on your body, removing the last water drops. You then wear your underwear of white lace and the clothes you've chosen. 

You then pick up your big bag from the floor and head to the kitchen, where your parents are waiting for you. "About time." Your father says, looking up from the newspaper. "Sorry, dad... I just am so tired." You apologize, sitting down and biting on your pancake. "I told you not to go with Lucas last night, but you're stubborn just like your mother." He continues, having an angry tone in his voice. "Paps, I told you I didn't go with Lucas! Why are you still bringing it up?" You ask, frustrated. "Hey, hey... Guys, chill down. Our vacation is about to start, you wouldn't want to be mad on our first excursion." Your mother finally speaks, making the both of you - you and your father - glare at each other. You eat silently, not thinking about anything.

Later on, your parents load the bags in the bus and climb inside, you do the same. You sit on an empty seat, wanting to be alone. You look out of the window and sigh, knowing that the trip is going to be long: six hours. You close your eyes and lean back on the seat, slowly falling asleep.

{6 hours later}

"Y/N, sweetheart, wake up." You hear your mother whispering in your ear, making you slowly open your eyes. "When did you start being so peaceful, ma'?" You ask her, giggling softly and stretching your arms and legs. You stand up from your seat and walk out of the bus, squinting your eyes because of the shiny afternoon sun. 

Once you grab your bag, you look around. Two guys are standing in front of you, but all you see is just their backs. You softly clear your throat, making them turn around. Your eyes widen when you see them: two identical twin brothers, who are extremely handsome, are looking at you. One is wearing a light-blue shirt, covered by a blue jacket and combined with blue jeans; his eyes are blue and his hair is jet black. The other is wearing a red and black plaid shirt and black trousers; his eyes are blue as well, but his hair is blonde. 

You think you're having some hallucinations, so you rub your eyes. You see the black-haired boy chuckling, then he comes to you and takes your bag. "Lemme help you, darl'. My name is Elvis, and this is my twin brother Elias. We're gonna be your guides for these two weeks." He says, smiling nicely at you. Elias looks at you and softly holds your hand. "Go get some rest, angel. We'll come to your hotel around 7 pm." You shyly nod and feel Elvis holding your other hand. "We'll lead ya to the hotel." You look at the two men for a moment, then look ahead. You parents are already into the hotel, so you feel freer without them. "So, what's your name, pretty face?" Elvis asks you, looking down at you. "Y/N. But you can call me Chica if you want." You say, blushing a little. "Chica, I like that one." Elias tells you. The blonde guy has a stronger grip around your hand, yet you manage not to whine or anything. "I'm 23." You speak again, smiling a little. Elias looks at you. "We're 29." 

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