It's your baby, I rock it.

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|| Hey fellas! Sorry I've been MIA, but I had things to do and a life to live. Anyway. I'm back on this book, but I will also equally write the other one. I hope you guys passed a wonderful summer and that your vacations were amazing. Thank you for the love and... Enjoy! ||

Memphis, 1970.

"Chris, stop it!" You say to your one-year-old son, who is, for the fourth time, crawling away from you on the bed as you change his diaper. He cannot help but giggle. You do as well, yet you try your best to change him the quickest you can. The father, Marcus, ran away after you told him you were pregnant. This left you completely alone, considering that your parents live in another state, you decided not to move in again with them. Also, your job pays you pretty well.

You do have one best friend, the one who has been there with you since the first contraction of the baby. He is a worldwide famous singer, though he can be the humblest person ever when you two are together. You smile as you hear the doorbell ring. With Chris in your arms, you walk to the door. "Coming!" You say, trying not to slip over your son's toys on the floor. You open the door with one hand, showing a big smile as your friend comes in. "Busy much, I see?" He jokes as he steps inside and closes the door. The man takes off his shoes and wears his personal black slippers that you bought for him, considering that you do not want to mop the floors every time someone comes in with dirty shoes. He accepted your choice, therefore he wears the slippers whenever he is inside your apartment.

"Do you want something, Elvis?" You ask him, leading to the living room and placing Chris in his play-crib. Elvis shakes his head and kneels down next to the crib. "I wanna play with lil champ, that's what I wanna do." He says, picking the baby up and pretending to be an airplane. You laugh at the scene: you love how he treats Chris. You wonder why he would take time out from his busy schedule and come to your house to help you with the baby. "Da-a!" Chris barely speaks, pointing at Elvis' nose. "No lil guy, I ain't your daddy." He responds as he chuckles and sits on the couch, cuddling the little boy. You sit down next to your friend, looking at him.

"So, any news from the music field?" You ask him, smiling and playing with your Y/H/C hair. "Uh... Great! Parker just signed another residency at Las Vegas, at the International." You hear some hesitation in his words, you can tell he is not happy about it. "You're not content, are you?" You ask, looking at him. He sighs for a moment, then looks at you. "I'm simply tired. I love my fans, y'know it, but at the same time honey... I- I just wanna sit and relax. Not havin' to think 'bout some pills to take to stay awake, others to sleep an' all that. I'm tired of my lifestyle." He responds, looking back at Chris and making his way to the crib, placing the baby back inside.

You stay silent for a moment, while thinking about his career. "Well, you can take a year off?" You propose, with him storming back at you. "No, Y/N, I can't. I gotta do this or Parker's gonna ruin my whole life." He firmly says, before closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. He speaks again. "I- I'm sorry sweetheart, I- I didn't mean to come at you." You smile and give him a soft kiss on the cheek. "It's okay, I understand your frustration... I wouldn't make it if I was at your place." You respond, before he gets up and walks to the kitchen. "Honey, I was wonderin'. Would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow after rehearsals?"

You stay silent for a second: he never asked you out on a dinner date before. You do not even know if it is a date or just a friends' night out. "Darl'? You still there or we playin' hide'n seek?" He teases you, so you shake your head and quickly respond. "Yes, yes, I was just looking at Chris..." You say as he comes back to the living room with two glasses of pepsi with a slice of lemon on top. "So? What d'you say, you're in?" Elvis asks you again, looking into your eyes. You nod. "Yes, gladly." You shine one of your smiles, showing him the happiness of finally spending some time with just him. "Perfect. I'll call Joe for the babysittin'." You are quite surprised, he already arranged everything without even talking about it with you. You do not mind, for sure, but still you are very suspicious about this night out with him.

{The next day}

You are worried about tonight: what are you going to wear? How will you do your hair? Your makeup? You shake your head and get up from the couch, checking the time. Elvis said he would have come to pick you up at 8 o'clock sharp, and it is already 6:30. You walk to the bathroom and take a warm, relaxing shower, overthinking about his intentions: does he want a relationship with you? Or does he just wanna hang out?

When you are done, you walk back to your bedroom and open the closet: a golden dress catches your eye. You think about it for a long pair of minutes, then you nod, it is THE dress. You carefully wear it: you like how it shines on you. You choose your favorite platforms, you saw some female singers wearing them so you thought you could use them as well. And your hair? Well, you know Elvis likes it loose, so you just brush it gently and make it voluminous by shaking it left and right. A little layer of makeup and... It is already 7:50! You just have ten minutes more. You walk downstairs to Chris' crib, saying goodnight to him before Elvis and his friend come over.

At the designed time, the doorbell rings. You walk over to the door, expecting to see Elvis and his friend, but when you open, you just see Elvis. "Oh, hello." You say, letting him in. "I- I'm sorry Y/N, Joe couldn't make it. He had some issues with his wife at home, so I suppose-" You do not let him finish. "It's okay, I understand. We can't have a single chance-" Then you immediately stop your tongue, realizing what you just said. "No, honey, what I mean is... I suppose we'll have to eat here." He says, coming closer to you and holding your tiny, little, pale hand in his big, manly and tanned one. "Is it okay for you?" He asks, tucking a little strand of hair behind your ear. You nod and blush. "Y- Yes..." You are starstruck. Elvis Presley, your best friend and crush, is willing to have dinner with you at your house. "What d'you like?" He asks, waking you up from your daydream while heading to the kitchen. "Uh- I..." You do not have time to respond as he already is turning on the oven. "We'll have a turkey with potatoes and zucchini. You sit there and I'll make it." Elvis says, so you blush and head to Chris. "Let me at least-" You begin again, then he irrupts in, coming to kiss your forehead. "I'll set the table. Relax, baby." He winks, then disappears in the kitchen.

One hour later, you start smelling the wonderful scent of the turkey as you see Elvis lighting up the two candles on the table. "There you go, señorita." Your friend says, smiling. "Now, sit down and enjoy the taste of my wonderful cooking skills." He kisses your cheek as he pulls the chair for you. You sit down and he pushes it towards the table, making you feel comfortable. You see some Italian appetizers, so you take one and eat it.

"So, d'you like it?" He asks, smiling at you and drinking some of his white wine. "Yes Elvis, this was an amazing dinner. I didn't know you could cook!" You tell him, sipping your wine as well. "I have my secrets." He winks at you. "I made the dessert too, but you'll get it later." He adds as he stands up, taking Chris and placing him in his high chair, getting ready to feed him. "No Elvis, let me do it." You tell him, then he shakes his head. "Honey, don't you understand? You've been doin' this all by yourself for a whole year. Haven't you thought that you're in need of a partner?" He sends you a very touching message by saying these words. Is he willing to be your man?

You stay silent for a while as he keeps feeding your son, then rocking it in his arms to make him burp, before putting him to sleep upstairs in his crib. After, he comes downstairs. "He's my baby, Elvis... I should be doing the mother/father job, you already have your own stuff to worry about..." You just do not want to be a burden for him. You know how bad his temper is, and, for that reason, you would not want him to storm at you for something you are not even guilty for. "Oh honey," he begins, sitting down on the couch and pulling you on his lap. "It's your baby, I know. But I rock it." He finishes his sentence, placing his soft, plump lips upon yours and pressing them to make them let him in. You do not move away, you let the moment sink in. You have been wanting to kiss him for a long while and, now that you have him, you are not letting him go.

Your tongues move together, as he tightens the grip around your neck, making you feel butterflies. You wrap both of your legs around his hips, he holds your butt with his other hand. "Oh Elvis..." You let out a soft moan as he squeezes your ass. "Shh..." He stops your talking by his deeper kiss. "You don't wanna wake up the lil kiddo." He says in a muffled tone while laying you on the couch and coming on top of you, kissing your neck this time.

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