Uni life, what a life... (Part 3)

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|| Hopefully, this will be the last part!! And it will contain a part with mature content. Real mature content. ||

"What's the occasion?" You ask him, who replies: "Nothin', just happiness." 

June, 1969.

Your exams are finally over, you can retire yourself for the summer. During the past year, you decided to open up to your parents and tell them that you have found a boyfriend, but they do not know if he is a teacher, a student, a police officer, a singer, a banana, a camel... They just do not know. You told them his name: Elvis, but not the rest. In fact, Elvis is now your boyfriend. In January he turned 34, and after witnessing your exams, he quit his job. He just did not feel right anymore being there and having a love story with you, even if you did not consume yet. You were not ready, you still were scared of what happened back in November. 

What does he do now? He is still a teacher, but in a Language school. He takes exams for students who want to have a major grade in English, especially American English. His working hours are better since he is home in the afternoon and evening, allowed to help you with your homework. 

You walk upstairs to Elvis' apartment, you went to the grocery store to buy some supplies for dinner, since his friends are coming over. You ring the doorbell since your hands and arms are holding the brown paper bags. The door opens, Elvis smiles at you. "Hey honey." He whispers, helping you in by taking one of the bags in his hands. He pecks your lips and pulls away to bring the bags to the kitchen. "When are they coming?" You ask him, taking off your shoes and walking to the kitchen, hugging him from behind. "They should be here 'round 8 pm. Oh. They're all men... I hope ya don't mind, baby." He says, turning around to kiss your forehead. "I don't care, I love being around boys anyway." You tease him, sneaking out of his arms and heading to the master bedroom. You two sleep in the same bed now. You take off your daily clothes to put on a denim jumpsuit, not wearing any underwear. The braces cover your nipples and the rest of the fabric covers your waists, stomach, hips, pelvis and legs. You shake your head a little, trying to make your hair look messy.

You walk out of the bedroom and walk in the kitchen, bending at 90 degrees to take a banana out of the fridge. In the meantime, the song Fever by Peggy Lee is playing on the radio. Just the right time, you think. You close the fridge and lean against it, peeling the banana and slowly killing it as Elvis stares at you. "Honey- W- What are you doin'?" He asks, walking over to you. You pretend not to listen to him as you keep eating your fruit, looking into his eyes while blinking like a deer. "You wanna tease me, baby?" He asks again, chuckling and placing his hand on your hip, slowly moving to your butt. "No? I don't want to... I'm too innocent..." You reply, faking a pout and frowning. He shakes his head, licking his lips and biting his lower one right after. Your boyfriend looks down at your outfit, noticing that you are naked under it. "Such a dirty minded little one..." He whispers in your ear, kissing your earlobe. He takes your free hand, placing it upon his crotch. You giggle as you feel his hard erection bouncing against your hand. "Mister Presley... It seems like someone is very horny..." You whisper as he pulls away. "That ain't me, pretty baby.." He whispers as well, walking back to the cookers and getting dinner ready. He turns around and moves his index finger, telling you to get closer. You smirk as you walk towards him, he suddenly grabs the front of your neck, pulling you so close that your nose is just one inch apart from his. You cannot help but gasp, looking into his fire eyes. "Save this outfit for tonight, darlin'." He orders, before 'throwing' you away and turning around again. You walk back to your bedroom and take a deep breath: he can get scary sometimes. 

Two hours before dinner, you walk out of the bathtub and head to the bedroom, finding a sparkly, blue cocktail dress/blue suit hanging on the wardrobe's door. "Elvis?!" You call, being a little surprised from this outfit. "Did ya call, little one?" He asks, leaning against the doorpost. You turn around and smile at him. "W- What's that for?" You ask, pointing at the piece of clothing. He shrugs and kisses your lips softly. "I wanna tell everybody about us. And also, I'll be wearin' one fine golden jacket, so you might wanna pair with daddy." He raises one eyebrow before kissing you once again. "I love you." You whisper as he walks out to the kitchen again. You finally head to the closet and wear pink lace lingerie/black satin boxer-briefs, then put on Elvis' choice of fashion for the night. You walk to the mirror and spray some perfume/cologne, before styling your hair in a ballerina bun/pompadour. You check yourself one last time, then exit your bedroom. 

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