August 16th, 2019.

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|| As I said on my Instagram stories, this is not an update, but a letter to Elvis. ||

Dear Elvis, my idol.
On this sad and shattering day, I'd like to reminisce you in a good way.
I'm tired of all those posts about your LAST concert, your LAST song, your LAST smile. There is no "LAST" in your name, Elvis. As long as people are talking about you, listening to your music, mourning for you... You aren't dead. You might be physically, but your soul is still around us.
You know, Elvis? People say that you faked your own death. Do you want my opinion? I want to believe that you are dead, because — you are such a generous soul — you wouldn't be able to do a bad thing like that to everyone who loved and still loves you.
I, honestly, feel sorry for you. if things didn't go bad as they did, you would still be here. But, sadly... it all started with your mama's death. Slowly you began dying from that day. I wish I could've been there to help you.
I know you will never read this, or you'll never be able to see directly how much we all worship you, but I bet that up there you are loved as much as you are loved here. I never thought I would end up like this. I told myself not to fall in love with another dead artist... But here I am.
It's like you captured me, you know.
I wish I could've been in Graceland today, but I'm saving to come next year.
Actually, I have to say that loving you is different than loving others. You have better fans, who are kind-hearted and never try to fight with each other. I'm glad I found you, Elv. And through you, I a found beautiful person like mr_eapresley50s , who is always there for me when I need a hand. He makes me happy through my darkest days, helps me mourn today for you and whenever I need to rant, cry, or just laugh — I just need to call him.
That guy I tagged is called Aaron after your middle name, and I love him so much that I could do anything to see him smile on a sad day like this one. I'm happy that you made us become friends, wait — best friends, actually. It all started with a funny video, but I never thought that we would end up talking about every single thing we do. This is a blessing, Elvis. Such a blessing.
I rarely cry for you. Yes, I'm sad to know that you're underground, but I'm happy to know that even after all this time, you still make us smile.
If I could turn back time and be someone of your period, I'd be you — through you I would be able to know all the truth and to understand all the pain you were suffering, which made you become the strong man I know. You made me remove toxic people from my life, because your kind attitude and your lovely heart helped me discover new horizons and new ways of thinking, which changed me for the better.
Thank you Gladys and Vernon for raising a pure soul like Elvis, thank you Minnie/Dodger for always keeping Elvis "alive" with the stories you told Cilla (in her book). Thank you Priscilla for opening Graceland as a museum. Thank you to every tribute artist for keeping his legacy going. Thank you John Stamos for making me discover Elvis.
But most importantly, thank you Elvis for being a hero.
Rest in peace, my soldier. I love you and I miss you.
God bless you.

God bless you

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