Uni life, what a life... (Part 1)

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|| Hello! This story was inspired by stop_filthy_press and their story: Professor Presley. It is set in Bologna, Italy of that time and you are an Italian (even if not, because I know you aren't, just pretend) student who takes courses in English to get a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures. Inspired also from my real life nowadays! I decided to give you a little idea on what the plot will be. Also, this might be divided in three parts, but I don't know yet. Elvis is not famous. Enjoy! ||

October, 1968. 

"Siamo in arrivo a: Bologna Centrale. We're now arriving in: Bologna Centrale." This is what the conductor says on the microphone as the train starts to slow its speed. You stand up from your seat and grab your schoolbag, walking towards the first exit that you can find. There, you see some other girls and boys around your age, who are also waiting to get off the wagon. When the train stops, you wait for the conductor to open the door, then slowly walk off, heading to the exit of the station. 

You cross the main road and wait for the bus, which comes directly after four minutes. You are happy about this new life you are living: new city, new friends, new place to study in... You smile at yourself as the vehicle moves through the traffic. You see some FOR SALE cardboards on the path to your University, you have been thinking about moving there, just to be more comfortable with the schedule of your courses. You get out of the bus and walk up the stairs of the building, you see it is a very ancient school. In fact, it is the first University ever built in Europe, you feel really happy to go there. It was hard to enter, yet it was totally worth it. 

You look around and see a woman giving directions to other students. "Excuse me, can I ask you something?" You politely ask her, who looks at you head to toe before nodding. "Sure, what is it?" She asks in response. You smile and blush a little. "I have to take the English course this morning, actually, American Linguistics to be exact. Where do I have to go?" She immediately points at the stairs. "First floor, room number 5." You follow her instructions and thank her, walking upstairs and noticing that the door is open. The lesson should start in 15 minutes. You decide to enter. The room is completely empty, so you sit down in the first place, you have to pay a lot of attention if you want to pass the year. 

Within 10 minutes, the room is full of chatting students, who make more noise than a tank. You look around, a guy sits next to you. "Hi, I'm Thomas." He says, reaching out his hand to you. You smile and blush, shaking his hand. "I'm Y/N. Are you in Erasmus?" You ask him, who nods. "Yes, I'm from the United States. Actually from Tupelo, Mississippi." He says, making you smile. "That's nice. I was born and raised here, sadly. I wish I could see the States one day." You reply, tapping your pencil on the paper. "Well, be sure to stay around me and enter the Erasmus program, maybe they can send you overseas in the third year!" Thomas tells you, as you sign down what he says. 

"Hmm-mhh, can y'all hear me?" You are awakened by a man clearing his throat. You look up at the teacher's desk. A tall man in his 30s is standing behind it, holding a microphone. You take a long minute to look at him: his hair is jet black, slicked back with gel, only one small strand is falling on his forehead; a pair of black, manly eyebrows is laying upon a pair of the deepest, ocean blue eyes you have ever seen; he has very long lashes, too. This man, who you suppose to be the teacher, is wearing a blue suit and a white shirt. You feel as if something or someone just captured your heart. You stare at him in complete adoration, not being able to perceive any other feeling but the ones of... Endless pleasure, love and desire.

"G'mornin', ladies and gentlemen. I'm Elvis Presley and I'll be your teacher for these three years. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to start the lesson immediately, since the semester is short and we don't have much time." The man announces, you cannot help but blink and inhale deeply. You can hear that his accent is not Italian, and neither is his name. "Shall we start? Beautiful." He walks to the blackboard and writes down a quote: I don't have time to hate the people who hate me, I'm too busy loving the ones who love me. "Alright, ladies and gents. The subject I'm gonna teach is American Linguistics. Not English, but American. Straight from there." He says, pointing over the window. You and the class giggle and chuckle, you personally think he is hilarious. 

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