Take good care of her...

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|| OKAY PEEPS! I want to try this: a complete story with Elvis' P.O.V... I hope you don't get confused and like it!! Tell me if you want more! P.S: I didn't watch the Gladiators Project yet, so this is all product of my mind. Elvis is famous. ||


I get out of my car with my instructor, my mate Sonny and a bunch of other people, not knowin' any name or age

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I get out of my car with my instructor, my mate Sonny and a bunch of other people, not knowin' any name or age. I follow my Karate Sensei inside the building, while some paparazzis snap pictures of me. Jeez, how I hate them. Tell me if it is normal for a man to wear sunglasses even at night because of those stupid photographers and their flashes. Anyway, the rest of the people are behind me and close the door once they step inside as well.

I look around for a moment when I get in, a lot of students and other Senseis are gonna watch me; what if I fail in my intent? What if instead of becomin' a black belt I just end up bein' the little tot? I get into the changin' room with Sonny, who pats my shoulder. "C'mon, Elvis. You're gonna do great." He tells me, lookin' at me with his nice and heartwarmin' gaze as always. I look back at him and smile. "Thanks pal, thank you for always bein' there for me. Right now I need it the most, and y'know why." I tell him, thinkin' about the reason behind I am feelin' really low and not in the mood to show myself. 

Y/N is about to marry the Sensei that I'll face tonight. She was all mine before this, then she kinda got tired of me because, her own words, I 'got too big'. That hurt me real much, but I kept goin' on. I stand up from the wooden bench of the changin' room and tie my belt a little stronger, so that it won't fall down while I move. I walk to the competition room with Sonny,  lookin' down at my feet in sorrow and sadness. I smell the air, a familiar perfume is in it. 

I look up and there she goes: beautiful as she always is

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I look up and there she goes: beautiful as she always is. I slightly smile at her, even if she broke my heart, I ain't gon' lose respect for her. I'm happy if she's happy. I walk to her and look at her for a moment, my heart aches like hell. "Good evenin', Y/N." I say, sittin' down next to her. She looks at me for a moment, then I feel her takin' my hand in hers. "Elvis... Please... Don't get hurt." She says in her soft, sweet voice. I look at her, frownin'. "Why? Y/N, you ain't gotta worry... It's just a simulation." I tell her, hopin' to reassure her. She shakes her head, lettin' my hand go when her fiancé walks in. "He has a gun, Elvis... And he's planning to use it." I hear her warnin' and stand up, walkin' to the middle of the carpet and starin' at him for a while.

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