Wolf call.

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|| This is a real smut story. Don't say you weren't warned. Peace! Also, Elvis is not famous in this story. I got inspired by mr_eapresley50s in one small part of this story. ||

Las Vegas, 1968.

It's a wonderful evening at the local strip-club in Las Vegas. You are getting ready to do your show, being a stripper is your favorite thing. Not because of the money and all that, but you get to dance for free and also, you get to spend each night with another stripper, but a male - who is your boyfriend. It's weird to see a man doing things that only women used to do, but still, you love how he does that. The way he removes his clothes, throwing them away in the crowd and hiding behind the curtains once naked. Each show seems endless to you. It takes a lot of time for him to finish, since he is the last one.

You are looking at him from backstage, he's removing his leather jacket. You roll your eyes: it might take him half an hour to get naked. You walk to your changing room and remove your heels, throwing them against the wall. You move to the vanity desk and sit on the stool, using some makeup remover and some wipes to take off your fallen makeup. Afterwards, you stand up and walk to the small couch, laying down on it. You might end up falling asleep if he doesn't arrive within ten minutes.

You close your eyes for a moment, then you decide to stand up and take a shower. You walk to the small bathroom and run the water, getting rid of your clothes as you step inside. You hum softly and wash your body, not touching your hair since you washed it this afternoon. Once you're done, you walk out and wrap a towel around your wet body. You sit on the armchair as you wait for your body to dry up, knowing that your boyfriend might arrive in any moment. Yet, you do things easily. You don't even rush, if he has to wait, he will wait. You head to the closet and take out a white dress, which has a zip in front of it. You don't wear your bra, nor your panties. You're not seeing any man besides your boyfriend, so what's the point on having panties on the entire time?

You put on your white high heels as you let your hair loose on your shoulders. It bounces on your bones, then it gently lays on your back. You don't wear any makeup since your skin is hurting you. You walk to the mirror and look at yourself. You smile gently, reminding of how your boyfriend has changed you in these years.

Suddenly, the door opens. You turn around. "Elvis!" You say, smiling at him and walking towards him. He catches you in his arms and kisses your head. "Hey, darl'. I'm sorry it took me long." He says, entering your changing room and sitting on the couch, which matches with his leather outfit. You shrug your shoulders and go to the mini bar, taking out a beer for him. "Well, I'm used to it, Elv. You always take one hour and a half just to take off your leather outfit, I can't imagine what time you have to get naked." You say, handing him the beer. He pulls you on his lap and you sit down, feeling his bulge hitting your butt side. You blush softly, then you rest your back against his chest.

You can hear the sound of the liquid going down his throat, so you imagine his Adam's apple bobbing inside out. You suddenly get up and look at him, in a very teasing way. "Y/N, baby. What happens?" He asks, raising one eyebrow. "Elvis.." You bend down on him, almost at 90 degrees. "I feel very naughty tonight..." You whisper, tracing his thigh with your index finger. He moves towards you and nods. "Oh.. I see. Does my little one need to be punished by daddy?" He asks, blocking your wrist with his hand. You innocently nod and lick your teeth, before he lets you go. You head to the bed and take out a box of sex toys, handing it to him. He chuckles when he takes it. You see him moving his hand inside the box, finding metal and white fur handcuffs, a feather and a whip.

"Tie me up, baby." He orders. You place the handcuffs around his wrists, which are behind his back. You lock them and place the key on a high shelf, so he can't reach it. You see him bouncing against you, kissing your cheek before finding your lips and locking his with yours. He kisses you savagely and wildly, biting your bottom lip, upper lip, tongue, skin, everything he can find. You moan in between the kiss, giggling every now and then. He grunts in pain since he can't touch you, but you tease him more by rubbing each inch of his body.

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