Summer kisses, winter tears. (Part 2)

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"Oh, double do-do!!" Anita yells, frowning. Everybody turns to her as Elizabeth asks: "What's up, doc?" Anita just pouts. "One of my diamonds just fell in my macaroni." This is a nice group anyway, at least, for now. 

Third Person's P.O.V.

Not everyone is in the cafeteria during lunchtime, in fact, the Memphis Mafia is in the athletics track, eating sandwiches, joking, talking about girls and bullying freshman students. "Heya Joe, you want a piece of salami?" Lamar asks, loudly chewing his sandwich with his mouth open, being extremely disgusting to the others. "Are you kidding?" Joe replies, shaking his head. "If I eat that, I'll smell like you. What a stink!" He adds, causing the others to laugh. "Hey, guys. Guys, look." Elvis says, pointing at a blonde boy, who is trying to show himself off even if he is just a freshman. All the boys turn and stare at him. "Ladies and gentlemen, dingleberries on parade!" Joe exclaims, while his friends laugh again. The boy looks over and instead of kicking the ball, he ends up kicking the helmet, having his foot stuck in it. "Hey look! You really put your foot into it this time!" Red says, drinking his cola. "Try hopscotch, you hot dog!" Elvis yells, as Paul joins the boy to help him. "Oh, what a gavone!! Gumdrops, man." Lamar says, laughing at the situation. 

"Any of you guys seen that chick at registration? Oh, she sure beats the foam domes 'round here." Joe says, daydreaming about this new mysterious girl. "Jugs bigger than Debra's?" Lamar asks, poking his friend's shoulder. "Nobody's jugs are bigger than Debra's." Joe strikes back, and Lamar nods in agreement. "Hey guys." Red whispers, pointing at his cousin, who is laying on the stairs just under a pair of two young girls with their big skirts, hoping to see something more. "Hey!" He yells, looking over at them. The girls immediately look down and stand up, shaking their heads. "Hi girls!" Sonny tries to defend himself, but fails. "You're a sick man, Sonny." His cousin says, shaking his head before throwing a comb over at him. 

"Hey, I wanna hear about what Elvis did at the beach!" Red exclaims, going back to the group. "Ah, t'was nothin'." Elvis says, shaking his head. "Sure, nothing Presley, right?" Joe sarcastically asks in response, followed by Sonny: "You got in her drawers, right??" Elvis just shakes his head, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. He clearly does not want to talk about this last summer. "Come on, tell us!!" Lamar begs, looking at his friend. "Everything about it!!!" The boys say all together, causing Elvis to laugh. "You don't wanna hear all the horny details!" He tries to speak, but then they tickle him, causing him to stand and speak. "Summer lovin', I had a blast. I met a girl, who was crazy for me, I tell ya. Summer days driftin' away to uh... Oh, those summer nights." Joe stands up as well and pats his friend's shoulder. "Well? Tell me more!! Did ya get very far??" Elvis shakes his head and goes on with the story. "She swam by me, she got a cramp!! Oh, I saved her life, she nearly drowned!! Summer's sun? Something's begun, but oh well, those nights..." Sonny then pats Elvis' leg. "Oh boy, tell me more. Did she put up a fight?" All the boys laugh as Elvis slaps the back of Sonny's neck. "I took her bowlin' in the arcade... We made out under the dock! I know fellas, I know. Summer flings don't mean anythin' but... Those nights were somethin'." He says, being stopped by Lamar. "Oh tell me more, but ya don't gotta brag." 

"She got friendly... Down in the sand. Well... She was good, y'know what I mean." Elvis says, smirking a little as his friends nod their heads. "Two people meet in the summer heat, but aah, those nights!!" He stops for a moment to gain his breath as Lamar blocks him again. "Could she get me a friend?" Elvis shakes his head, staring at the horizon. "But then y'know, summer ends. So I told her we'd still be friends. I didn't mean to do the rhyme. Anyway... I wonder what she's doin' now. Summer dreams, ripped at the seams... But good lord... Those nights." 

Normal P.O.V.

While you all are still in the mess hall, Patty asks you a question. "What did you do this summer, Y/N?" You smile at her and chuckle. "Oh, I spent most of it at the beach." You say, nodding your head. You are quite happy to talk about your summer to your new friends, even if they are all girls. "You hauled your cookies all the way to the beach for some guy?" Joanie asks, filing her nails. "He was sort of special..." You say, frowning. Joanie sarcastically smiles at you. "There ain't no such thing, sweetie." 

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