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|| Hello. In this story, for some time, you and Elvis will have a long distance relationship, so I'll have to write the letters, too. Anyway, enjoy. ||

Memphis, 1958 - Hollywood, 1958

"Mother! You can't tell me what to do or what not to do! I am 22 years old now and I can do whatever I want! If I want to visit him, I fucking will!!!" You yell, glaring at your mother, who is cleaning the dishes and ignoring your complaints. "Y/N, you live in this house and I am the one in charge for your good manners! If I tell you not to reach that Presley boy in Hollywood, you shouldn't go! Period! Now go in your room!" She shouts, making you stomp your feet before running upstairs and slamming the door. "I'll be gone before you can blink." You mumble while going upstairs.

You lay on the bed and hug the pillow with your boyfriend's face, you bought it two years ago when he became famous. You close your eyes, sniffing a little as you know that you will not be able to see him in a long time. You wish he was not so far, but with being the girlfriend/boyfriend of a worldwide rockstar and a movie star as well, you have to deal with it every time.

 You wish he was not so far, but with being the girlfriend/boyfriend of a worldwide rockstar and a movie star as well, you have to deal with it every time

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Suddenly, the phone rings. You look over at the desk in your room and stand up, running to it before your mom can answer on the other end. "Hello?" You say, holding the receiver near your ear. "Hey baby." Your boyfriend's voice rumbles in your ear, making you smile excitedly. "ELVIS!!" You giggle and squeak, you never thought he would have called you. "How's my favorite little one?" He asks, you can hear that he is smiling by the way he breathes. "I miss you so damn much and I can't even come over in Hollywood." You say, pouting as you sit down on the armchair next to the desk. "Oh honey, I'll be back before you know it. But- But there's a certain somethin' that I gotta tell ya, Y/N. And- And I wouldn't want you to wait until it's too late. S- So if you can, find a way to get here." Elvis speaks and stutters as you frown and breathe heavily. "Late? W- What is it, Elv? Y- You know I have panic attacks..." You sigh as you use a paper to move some air in your direction. "I- I gotta go now honey. I'll call you tonight after the shootin'. I love you." He says before hanging up. You do not even have the time to say goodbye to him, so you place the receiver down and hold your knees up to your chest, trying to stay calm. You do not want your mother to see you like this.

What did he mean by 'until it's too late' ? You wonder why he had to put the idea in your head, with you being so far away from him. You stand up from your armchair after fifteen minutes, taking a deep breath and sitting down in front of the desk. You take a paper, a pen and an envelope. You know his set's address, so you immediately write it on the envelope.

Elvis Presley

5555 Melrose Avenue


CA 90038

United States

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