Let's forget about the stars. (Part 2)

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Normal P.O.V.

You are working on your assignment in your Science class, but suddenly you get interrupted by Priscilla. "So, it seemed like you knew Elvis Presley." She asks, pouting a little. "Not really. He was just showing me around." You shake your head and smile politely. Even is she does not like you, you do not want to give her the win. You are surprised by her laughter. "Well, Elvis doesn't usually interact with new students." She says. You look over at the chalkboard for a moment. "Uh... Why not?" You ask Priscilla. "Well, it's pretty much basketball 24/7 with him." She responds, but you do not care about her no more. You are looking at the teacher and whisper. "That should be 15 over pi..." The teacher catches you. "Yes, miss Y/L/N?" You then blush. "Oh, I'm sorry... I just- Uh- Shouldn't the second equation read 16 over pi?" You politely ask as Priscilla rolls her eyes. "16 over pi? That's quite impossible." The teacher replies, then checks it on her calculator. "I stand corrected." She giggles and corrects it on the chalkboard. "Oh... And welcome aboard." She smiles at you, you blush and smile back as Priscilla walks away, offended. 

Third Person's P.O.V.

Elvis is walking down the hall and stops by at the sign-up sheet. He eyes it for a few seconds, then moves on. Donald, Priscilla's brother, observes. As Elvis moves away, Priscilla comes along and her brother pulls her aside. "Elvis Presley was looking at our audition list." He says. "Again? You know, he was hanging around with that new girl and they were both looking at the list. There's something freaky about her. Where did she say she was from?" Priscilla asks, looking at her brother and going to the grades board to see the best students in the city of Memphis. Y/N's name is already there. "Wow. An Einsteinette. So, why do you think she's interested in our musical?" Donald questions, being a little confused. "I'm not sure that she is. And we needn't concern ourselves with amateurs. But... There is no harm in making certain that Y/N's welcome to school activities are... Well, appropriate for her. After all, she loves pi." Priscilla says, stealing Y/N's grade's paper and folding it, putting it in her purse. 

Normal P.O.V.

"Gold, more gold!!" Miss Darbus yells at one student during detention. She then walks in between Elvis and his friend to inspect their work, then notices you. "Paint, paint! Let's go!" She says, as if she is the leader of the band. When she walks off, Pat Boyd, the science girl, hurries excitedly to you, holding your grade's paper. "The answer is yes!!" She smiles, looking at you. "Huh?" You shake your head in confusion. "Our scholastic decathlon team has its first competition next week, and there is certainly a spot for you!" She says. You then look at her hands, seeing the papera. "Where did that come from?" You ask, raising one eyebrow. "Didn't you put it in my locker?" She questions back. "Of course not." You shake your head. "Well, we'd love to have you in our team. We meet almost everyday after school. Please?" Pat begs you, yet you look at her in confusion. "I need to catch up on the curriculum here before I think about joining any clubs." You say. 

"Well, what a perfect way to get caught up. Meeting with the smartest kids in school. What a generous offer, Pat." Priscilla says, looking at you two. The conversation has not gone unnoticed. "So many new faces in detention today. I hope you don't make a habit of it, but the drama club could always use an extra hand. And while we are working, let us probe the mounting evils of cheating notes." The teacher says as Elvis attaches a leaf on a cardboard tree. 

Third Person's P.O.V.

There is the daily training in the school's gym. The team is practicing with coach Presley, besides Elvis and Red. Those two are in detention. The coach walks in the middle of the team. "C'mon guys huddle up!! We got two weeks to the big game." He encourages his students, wanting them to play well. He looks around. "Where's Elvis and Red?" He asks, not having a response. "Don't make me ask again..." He rubs his face with his hand, then yells. "WHERE ARE ELVIS AND RED?!" This finally reveals an answer from all the team: "Detention." Coach Presley sighs and storms off to the auditorium, where Red has fallen asleep and Elvis is tickling his nose with a leaf. 

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