Do not disturb...

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|| Hello people! So, thank you for not getting mad at me on the previous story, it really means a lot! By the way, this chapter will be a little dirty and smut? Let's hope not too much! I love you all so much!! ||

March 7th, 1960.

The press and media have just left Graceland, leaving you and Elvis alone. Yes, the maids are around, but still you two are just by yourselves, since the housekeepers have their own little mansion near the main one. Vernon? No problem, he's out in the garden.

You sit up from the white sofa and walk towards Vernon's office, that's the place where Elvis is.  The door is closed, so you must knock each time you find it like this. He might be doing things that he doesn't want you to see, but you are faithful. "Sure, come in!" He says, making you open the door. You smile at him, giggling softly. "Hey, sweetheart." You say, closing the door behind you and walking towards him. "Come, darlin'. I missed you the whole time." He replies, patting his thighs as a sign for you to sit down on his lap. You do as he says and fix his hair a little. "How was the conference?" You kindly ask him, smiling and looking into his eyes. "T'was fine, I guess. They asked me some private things that made me piss off a little, but I gotta say it was nice overall." He tells you, caressing your cheek with his big, boyish hand. 

Elvis looks in your eyes for a long minute, his stare makes you blush hard and feel some shivers down your spine. You see him clenching his jaw, he might be a little worried. You massage his shoulders, looking into his eyes as you frown. "Elvy, sweetheart.. What's wrong?" You question him. He deeply inhales and shakes his head. "Nothin', darl'. I'm perfectly fine. I just... I just need you, y'know what I'm sayin' baby?" He asks in response. You smirk softly, nodding your head and kissing his soft, plump lips. "Yes, my love. I know it all." You whisper while kissing him. He suddenly pats your back, this means that you need to get up.

|| Guys I already told you this was dirty but saying it again so don't get mad at me and go on reading, mkay? Mkay. ||

He stands up and walks to the office's door, pulling out a sign with DO NOT DISTURB  written on it. He hangs it on the door's front, closes the door and walks back to you. You are now sitting on Vernon's black leather chair, looking at Elvis with lust in your eyes. "Hm? There's someone who wants me?" He asks you, rubbing your shoulders from behind. You bite your bottom lip and nod. "Yes... And so bad..." You say, almost sounding desperate to have him all for you. He bends down and kisses your cheek, moving to your jawline and stopping when he is kissing your neck, leaving some small, yet cute, hickeys on your pale skin. You close your eyes, loving his touch on your arms and his kisses. Oh, how you love these kisses. 

He then stands up straight and turns the chair around, now you are facing him. "I've been missin' you so bad while out on the field..." He tells you, frowning a little as he lifts you up in his arms, holding you tightly. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his jawline, making him groan with his low, sexy voice. He makes you sit on the desk, where you wildly begin to unbutton his shirt, while he unzips your dress. He is looking into your eyes the whole time. Once he is shirtless, he lifts you up one more time to let your dress slide off your body, letting it lay on the floor. He softly kicks it aside just not to get it dirty, then he takes a moment to look at you. "Damn, baby.. You've been such a growin'. What d'ya eat, speedup meat?" He asks. 

You laugh and shake your head as you feel him placing you on the desk again. He presses his lips against yours, kissing you passionately and holding you close to him as you play with the belt of his pants, untying it. You then unzip his pants, sliding your hand inside his briefs, slightly stroking his cock. You hear him groan in between your kisses. "Yes, mama.. Don't stop." He whispers, making you feel more turned on as you continue to stroke his whole length. He removes his trousers, letting them slide down his legs and stepping over them very slowly, leaving your hand to stroke his penis. 

He kisses your neck again, you keep pulling his cock softly back and forth, not wanting to hurt him or anything. You don't do this much, you still have to learn. His groans starts getting a little louder as you feel his cock getting harder and harder. He gently unties your bra, burying his face in your breasts, kissing them. His breath tickles you a little, yet you don't move and keep pleasing him. 

You suddenly stop, you love teasing him. He looks up at you as you remove your panties, being completely naked in front of him. He removes his briefs as well and bends down for a moment, taking out a condom from the pocket of his trousers. He opens the little wrapping and slides the protective on his cock. He always does that, he doesn't want you to get pregnant without the both of you agreeing on it. You watch him doing his things, biting your lip. 

You spread your legs wide, letting him come closer to you and slide his penis inside you. He thrusts slowly, even if you feel him bigger than ever as you start moaning loudly. Your legs are now wrapped around his hips, pulling him closer to you. You tilt your head back with your eyes closed, moaning and rubbing his back, up and down. He is kissing your neck and shoulders, thrusting deeper and quicker this time. You move along with him, slowly scratching his back as you feel his hands on your butt. He loves to squeeze it. 

You are now kissing each other, his cock penetrates deeper inside you. You are close to the orgasm. You feel him sweating and panting heavily while kissing you. He goes quicker and quicker, you hold onto him since you feel the desk moving and making bad noises as you two make love. You finally let your orgasm out, your juices flow on his cock and upper zone of his thighs. He slows down, still being inside you. You cup his face in your hands and look at him for a moment, catching your breath. He is panting heavily, his blue eyes are shimmering of joy. His mouth is slightly open. You look up at his hair, his black hair dye is almost gone, after two years in the Army he always had to have short hair and wasn't able to color it. Yet you still love him, his dirty blonde roots are very handsome to you. 

You see him staring at you: his eyes seem to communicate something to you. You love this of him. You feel his cock getting out of you, he lifts you up in his arms and takes a blanket, wrapping it around you both as he walks out of the office with you, heading upstairs to his room. He lays you on his bed and smiles softly. "Thank you, darlin'. I really needed you." He tells you, laying next to you. You cover him with the rest of the blanket and snuggle closer. "You don't need to thank me, Memphis Flash. I love you so much." You say, tracing his naked chest with your finger. "What d'you just call me?" He asks, smirking softly. "Memphis... Memphis Flash." You reply, being quite confused. "Oh, I see.." He looks at you and starts tickling you. "Elvis! Elvis! Stop!" You beg him, laughing hysterically and shaking your legs under the blanket. He laughs and looks at you, still tickling you. "Use my favorite nickname and I'll stop, Y/N!" He says, so you think for a moment and nod. "Pretty boy, I order you to stop." You tell him. He suddenly stops and does the military salute. "Yes, siree!" He replies. 

You both start laughing again, cuddling up close to each other.

You both start laughing again, cuddling up close to each other

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|| I'm sorry if it is short, but still I hope you liked it. ||

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