Moonlight Swim...

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|| HI! I know that the GIF doesn't show Elvis, yet it's cute because it's little Stitch who wants to do Elvis. Basically me. Anyway, enjoy the story! Thanks to Aaron (again) for the inspiration. Elvis is not famous. ||

Hawaii, 1960.

You have just landed in Honolulu, Hawaii. Your fiancé invited you over because of your engagement party, which will be at his parents' house. He is half Hawaiian and half American. Maybe that's the reason why he is so handsome. 

You head out of the building, carrying your luggages and trolleys, holding your purse with your mouth and wearing the beach hat even if you aren't at the beach. And there you see the blue convertible. "Elvis!" You yell, running to the car and having your boyfriend run in your direction. He picks you up and spins around for a moment, making all your bags and belongings fall on the street. "Oh baby, how I missed ya! Look at how much of a growin' you've been since last month!" Elvis says, kissing your face all over. You can't help but giggle. "C'mon now, let's get you home." He says, placing all of your luggages in the backseats and trunk, helping you in and sitting down himself to drive away from the airport. 

"Did you miss me?" He asks, smirking as he puts on his sunglasses. "Of course I did! Why are you even questioning, kanaka?" You reply, using the Hawaiian word for man. Your man laughs and places his free hand on your thigh, rubbing it softly. "I don't know, my darlin' wahini malahini." Your eyes widen as you raise your eyebrows, hearing the new word. "I thought I was just a wahini?" You ask, just to receive this response from him: "Yes, wahini is woman. But malahini is welcome. So, you're a wahini malahini." You laugh a little, shaking your head. "You're all crazy." 

Elvis parks the car in front of a small, yet romantic and welcoming house. "Hop off, honey. We'll take the bags later." He smiles as he helps you out of the car, taking your hand while walking to the entrance. As soon as he opens, you see three little kids running away from the door. "Kaliko, Kimo, Waiola, come greet your new guest." Elvis says, bending down to look at the children. The two little boys and the girl look up at you. You bend down as well, causing them to laugh and run away. Elvis chuckles and shakes his head. "I'll never understand them." You wonder who they are, so you are not hesitating and immediately ask your fiancé: "Honey, who were those little creatures?" Elvis takes your hand, leading you to the living room. "They're my siblings. Kaliko is 11, Kimo is 7 and Waiola... That lady is 4." He explained, sitting on the green couch. He pats his lap so you sit on him and smile. 

"Mama and pa' will love you so much." He whispers, kissing your cheek. You giggle and blush. "I hope, because I'm not going back to Memphis just because of your parents not liking me, you big boy." Elvis playfully bites your nose. "You little missy." He whispers, shaking his head. "ʻĀnō ʻo Elvis, ua mākaukau ke awakea!" You soon hear a female voice coming from the kitchen, so your eyes widen as you look behind you. "Hele mai, mama!" Elvis replies to the voice. He softly pats your butt, so you stand up. "Let's go honey, lunch is ready." He says, kissing your temple while walking with you to the patio. 

He pulls your chair, so you politely smile at him and sit down. Soon, you see Elvis sitting at the other head of the table. You wonder why he is so far from you, yet you manage to stay composed and look around. A very short man enters the patio. He sits on your left, between you and Elvis. He has a pair of goggles which have a couple of lenses that are bigger than his face, you can tell that his hair is still naturally black due to the small mustache he has. "Pa', this is Y/N. My fiancée." Elvis says, smiling at you.

" Elvis says, smiling at you

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