They call your daddy big boots...

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|| This might be a bit long. Let's hope I don't bore you out! Also, I'll be using Cookie and Rick from G.I. Blues as the other male characters. Elvis' parts aren't highly literate because of the fact that he is speaking. There isn't any narrator in his P.O.Vs.||

1960. Frankfurt, Germany.

You wake up at 7 am as usual, since your father is the Colonel of the German Army. He has instructed you since you were very little, forcing you to wake up, make your bed... You still loved him, after all. He was all you had by your side, the only one who helped you raise your newborn baby that some random American soldier had made you pregnant with. You sigh when you hear your son crying: this is the signal that you have to get up from your bed. You sleepily walk to the baby's room, pushing the door open and lifting him up in your arms. "Good morning, Kurt... I see you need momma's milk. Here we go." You gently massage the little baby's back while walking to the armchair, where you sit down and lift up your shirt enough to let him suck from your nipple.

"Good morning, Y/N. How are you?" Your father asks you, speaking in his classical military ways. You laugh a little because you imagine him as a robot, which would fit him perfectly. "Good morning, paps. I'm good, what about you?" You reply standing up and letting your shirt move back in place, while you are still holding your little Kurt. "I'm fine, ready for the day! American troupes are coming to train again today!" He looks at you, smiling widely and speaking almost excitedly as if he was a little boy. American soldiers. You feel a little confused, then you give Kurt to your father, so you can sit down again. "Dad, I'm feeling a little weak. I'll come downstairs in ten minutes." You try to reassure him as you nod nicely, faking a smile at him. Your father nods and walks downstairs to the kitchen with Kurt in his arms. You massage your head a little, that thought of U.S. Army made you have bad memories. You close your eyes, trying to relax.

"I- I promise you I'll return, baby. Just gimme some time to- to say g'bye to my mama. But I'll be back, I swear on my life." Your boyfriend says, looking deeply into your eyes while he is holding a luggage in his hand. "Promise me you won't suffer or- or cry for me, little one. I need you to do that for me. I want you to be happy even though I will be away from you. Please." He begs you, caressing your pale cheek with his free hand. Tears were rolling down the cheeks of the both of you, you are saying goodbye to the man who has embraced you and made you feel happy, but you also are saying goodbye to trust. He is the only one you could ever trust in your life, yet you feel as if he wasn't going to be true to you when far away. "I- I gotta go now, darl'. Take care and be safe." He speaks, kissing your lips. "I love you." He whispers, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead against yours for a second. You nod in response and force a smile. "I- I love you too, mein soldat. Be safe." You wish him good luck and hug him one last time, you knew he wasn't going to return. Yet you appreciated him because of his kindness.

Little did you know that you were pregnant with his baby. The moment you remember his handsome body and face, you shake your head in anger. "It won't be him. I know that. He won't be back... Or, at least, not for me." You speak to yourself, standing up and taking a deep breath to hold the tears. You walk to your father, helping him in the kitchen. "Listen... Did you manage to keep in touch with that.. That Elvis?" Your father asks, making you feel uncomfortable. "No, dad. I don't want to see him anymore." You firmly reply, slicing the bread as if it was Elvis' body. "Too bad, he is coming in here in about..." Your father starts talking, but he is interrupted by a loud knock on the door. He walks to the entrance and opens the door, while you are in the kitchen, trying to find a place to hide Kurt, but you shake your head and furrow your brows, holding him in your arms.

"Colonel Y/L/N!" Elvis says, greeting your father. "Long time no see, Sergeant Presley!" Your father replies, manly hugging the younger boy. Hearing Elvis' voice makes you gulp loudly, trying not to make Kurt cry because of your mad expression. "We were just about to have breakfast. Come join us!" Your father pulls Elvis inside and closes the door, walking with him towards the kitchen. You try your best to hold your tears inside by closing your eyes, almost squeezing them.

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