Don't be cruel...

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|| Little warning: this will be a crime/violence story. So, if you are alarmed and scared by these themes, I suggest you skip it. Thank you! ||

You are walking down the Las Vegas Strip by yourself, your friends left you earlier because some had other appointments, and others instead just wanted to go to bed. You are looking around, you know that Las Vegas has always been your city. You are wearing a skinny red dress, your hair is loose, bumping on your shoulders as you walk. You hear some steps behind you. You do not mind it, considering that Sin City is full of tourists and citizens at every time of the day. The steps start fastening. You are a little frightened, so you walk faster as well. You try and look around to see if there is someone else, but nothing. You are alone: ahead, left and right, but not behind. As you try to make your way to your apartment as fast as you can, the strange visitor grabs you suddenly, placing one arm around your body and using his other hand to cover your mouth, so that you cannot scream. "Mmh! Mmh!!" You try to whine, moving your legs in the air, hoping for him to let you go. "Don't resist or I'll blow this goddamn brain of yours outta your head, y'know what I'm sayin'?" The man says, bringing you towards his black vehicle. He opens the trunk and shoves you inside, tying your hands up as well with your feet. "Let me go!! What do you want from me?!" You yell, crying in fear. He does not respond, he rips off some tape and places it on your mouth. You look at him, hoping he can see your innocence and release you. All he does: he closes the trunk.


Las Vegas, 1971

You open the window: it is a beautiful day. You just woke up, at noon, you had a night out with your friends yesterday, and you came home real late. You look around, seeing the tons of cars driving in the busy streets of the Strip and the other main and secondary roads. You then move to the bathroom, you take a shower. You remember the first time you moved to Vegas, your mother did not want you to come here, considering you were born in a small neighborhood in Florida. But when she found out that you were happier after living in this big, working city, she became happy as well. She died of a lung cancer last year, your mother has always smoked. You do not know who your dad is, he left your mom right after you got conceived. You are now 23, free and happy to be by yourself. When you get out of the shower, you walk to the small balcony and light up a cigarette. You hear some gunshots, but you do not mind, it happens everyday. And in 5 years, nothing has happened to you. What could possibly happen?

After you are done with your cigarette, you walk inside since you hear your phone ringing. You pick up the receiver and answer. "Hello?" On the other hand, there is Tina, your best friend. "Hey girl! How are you this morning?" You two talk for thirty minutes, arranging a meeting with the other ladies tonight. You love the Vegas life, it is never boring; even if, of course, sometimes you dream about marrying a super rich man and living a happy life with two houses... 

You get ready for your part-time afternoon job, you work as a cashier at the local supermarket. You wear your job's uniform: a light blue polo shirt and a pair of black trousers. You pull your hair up in a pony-tail and spray some perfume here and there; then some lipstick and mascara, not too dramatic. You finally grab your purse, slip your feet in your black heels and head out of the apartment. You walk downstairs, carefully, trying not to slip and fall. When you are out in the street, you feel like someone is watching you, yet you manage to keep your composure and walk to the supermarket. "Good afternoon, Y/N!" Your colleague says, welcoming you in. You nod at her and smile, while heading to your place and auctioning the microphone: "Cash 4 open!" You announce, waiting for the customers to come by. 

The hours go by quickly, you are excited to go out with the ladies again that you do not even mind having to work! At 8 p.m., your shift is over. You walk out of the supermarket after saying goodbye to your colleagues, through the street, then back to your apartment to get ready for the night. You decide to wear a skinny red dress with two golden earrings, as well as a necklace with diamonds and pearls. You then wear your black boots as you loosen your hair. You grab a handful of cash and shove it in your bra, then you finally head out. You walk to the International Hotel, since you four are meeting up at the casino downstairs. You show your pass and walk inside, waiting for your friends. 

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