Summer kisses, winter tears. (Part 3)

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"You know what you need?" She asks, so you reply with: "What?" While sniffing and holding the tears. "A night out with us. We're having a sleepover at my house tonight, wanna come?" You agree and nod, trying to distract yourself from your broken heart. 

Patty's room is pink, full of things. It is messy too, but you do not mind since your room would have been messier. You do not care if it is a sleepover with these new girls, they are your only friends anyway. You still are quite mad at Joanie, though. 

"Oh, look at Beth!" Joanie yells, as you all look at the other girl who is next to the television, making fun of a beaver who does a commercial about toothpaste. "Brush-a, brush-a, brush-a, get the new Ipana, with the brand new flavor, it's dandy for your teeth! Brush-a, brush-a, brush-a, new Ipana toothpaste, brush-a, brush-a, brush-a, knocks out decay germs fast, fast, fast! You sure are right!" You giggle a little at the girl, then Anita throws a pillow at the television. "Turn it off!" Everybody laughs, you like this joyful atmosphere. "Hey, hand me a ciggie butt!" Joanie asks, looking at Patty who is giving out cigarettes to everyone. "Oh, me too!" Anita joins in, looking at Patty like a dog looks at its owner. "Hey, you want one, Y/N?" Patty asks, looking at you. "No thanks, I don't smoke." You say, smiling kindly at them. "You don't?!" Anita asks, being surprised. "Go ahead, try it. It won't kill ya!" Joanie says, as Patty hands you one small cigarette. You take it and inhale, coughing right after. Anita laughs at you as Joanie starts complaining: "Oh, I forgot to say that you shouldn't inhale unless you're used to it." The girls keep laughing, but Patty pats your shoulder.

"Y/N, let me teach you how to French inhale. It's really cool." She says, showing you a very weird way of inhaling. "Ew, that's the ugliest-looking thing I ever saw." Elizabeth says, making a disgusted face. "The guys really go for it!" Patty replies, looking at you. "Well okay, how about a Sneaky Pete to get the party going?" Joanie asks, showing a bottle of red wine. You are quite confused, did Patty invite you to a party of alcohol-addicted and smoke-dependent people?! "Italian Swiss Colony, wow, it's imported!" Elizabeth says, taking the bottle in her hands and checking it. "Hey, I bought some Twinkies, anybody want one?" The girl asks, shaking a brown paper bag. "Twinkies and wine? That's real class, Beth." Exclaims Anita, rolling her eyes. Elizabeth takes the bottle again and points out that there is explicitly written that it is a dessert wine. The girls have drank already, but Joanie slaps Beth's back of the head with a magazine. "Hey! Y/N didn't get any wine!" You look at your friends and shake your head. "Oh, that's okay." 

Then the provocation starts. "I bet you've never had a drink before, have you?" Joanie asks you with a smirk. You blush a little before replying: "Oh yes I did! I had some champagne at my cousin's wedding once." Joanie rolls her eyes as Elizabeth gets closer to you with the bottle. "What's wrong? We don't got cooties." Beth tells you, being quite impatient. You hesitantly take the bottle and drink as Patty runs over to you. "Y/N, would you like me to pierce your ears for ya?" She asks as you hiccup. "Isn't it awfully dangerous?" You ask, quite frightened. "Oh, I know what I'm doing, I'm going to be a beautician, you know?" She replies as Joanie comes over again. "What's the matter, you afraid?" Oh how dare she ask you something similar? "No, I'm not." You are forced to reply as Anita irrupts in the conversation. "Here, Patty, use my virgin pin." You see the needle and your eyes widen. "Patty, I- I- I don't think it's a good idea- My father won't like it-" You try to speak but Patty prevails on you. "Oh it's okay.." And within some seconds, "AH!", your ear is bleeding. You are beginning to feel sick. "Oh, Y/N, why don't we go to the bathroom? My mother'll kill me if I get blood all over the carpet..." She says, holding your hand and leading you to the bathroom. "What?!" You ask, touching your ear in fear. "Oh, it only bleeds for a second." Patty says, trying to reassure you as she opens the bathroom's door. "Patty, I don't feel very well." You say, looking at her. "Don't worry about it, Y/N, if she screws up, she can always fix your hair so your ears don't show." Joanie says, making you feel even worse. Patty pulls you into the bathroom and closes the door. "Y/N, Y/N, beauty is pain..." Your friend says, getting ready to pierce your ear again. You scream loudly this time, not caring about anything else.

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