Lover doll.

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|| Thanks to mah boy mah boy Aaron for helping me out with this. His user is @deathofapunkkid. He's writing great stories too, go read them! (for some reason I can't tag you) ||

Memphis, 1958.

"Y/N! Y/N! Hurry up! You're going to be late for your date!" Your little sister shouts, making you almost fall on the ground because of her toys. You look at yourself in the mirror, backcomb your hair a bit even if it already looks fine. Straight hair, don't care. You wear your favorite pink tulle dress and your white flats, then you head out your room. Your parents are looking at you, you grab your purse and look at them. "I'm going out with Dave!" You say, before stepping out your house and closing the door.

You see Dave's red Chevrolet Bel Air parked in front of your house. You walk to the little door and climb inside of the vehicle, looking at your boyfriend. "Hey, babygirl." He says, smiling. You giggle a little, then you kiss his cheek. "I'm hungry. Let's go." You say, before looking at the road and checking on your guy every now and then. He soon parks his Chevrolet in a free spot and gets out - you expected, at least, that he would've opened your door, but nothing. You get out and close the door, walking with him to the entrance of the pub.



This is what the sign on the pub says. You stop walking for a moment, but Dave pulls your arm so you're next to him again. "Didn't you see that I was watching the sign?! Where did your manners go, Dave?!" You ask him, shaking your head and walking faster than him. He quickly catches your wrist, having a strong grip around it. "I do my own thing. You don't like it? You gotta get used to it." He says. 

You both go sit down at a table, you are refusing to look at your boyfriend. You look around for a while, then you lock eyes with the best man you've ever seen in your whole life. Some of his jet black hair is falling on his forehead as he stares at you, his eyes look bluer and deeper than the Atlantic Ocean. His nose is straighter than a ruler, you raise your eyebrows as if you are in shock. His lips are showing a soft smirk, which perfectly defines his jawline. 

You see him blushing

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You see him blushing. You don't realize who he is until... A voice speaks from the stage. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention? Our night just is starting, but we want it to begin with the best voice of America so far. He's about to go to the Army Service, so he might not be able to sing for a while... Once again, we have the hip-shaking King Creole: Elvis Presley!"

Your jaw drops. You've always heard him on the radio, but never seen his face. You thought he was black! Instead, the only black thing he had was his hair. Elvis stands up from his seat and walks up the stage, bowing down as an initial pose. You blush a little bit as your crush - the singer Elvis Presley - gets ready to see his song: Lover Doll. 

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