Hot dog!

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Las Vegas, 1956.

You have been in Sin City for three years now. You moved when you were 15, your parents abandoned you in an orphanage when you were 3; during those years you developed a desire to be free and in 1953 you escaped from that place, running and hitch-hiking through all the United States from Virginia to Nevada, stopping there. You are 18 now. You have no one to be proud of you, no one who really cares. 

You wear your black lace lingerie, sliding your stockings up your legs, adding your black gun-holder on your left thigh, sliding the multi-barrel pistol in it. You never know what can happen in your job. A friend of yours got raped and nearly killed last year, you have been wearing the gun since then. You decide to wear a black tube dress with no sleeves, adding a shiny silver belt around your waists. You hair is all curly and voluminous, you watch it lay on your shoulders as you apply your favorite lipstick, called Hot Coral. Then, you wear your black heels. You are ready. 

You walk out of the small flat that you can barely rent, considering how low your budget is. You walk down the stairs, looking down, not wanting to encounter anyone. You are actually scared, you wish you could change job, yet you do not have any experience in anything. You wish someone nice would actually fall in love with you, so you could be taken away from the streets and maybe live in a real home and, who knows, probably be a mother, one day. 

There you go

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There you go. Your Las Vegas. You look around, you are sure that tonight the city is going to be full of guests and tourists, the popular Rock-n-Roll singer, Elvis Presley, is going to be in town to promote his movie, Love Me Tender. You have seen girls going crazy over him and you cannot deny that he is a fine man. "Hey, Y/N!" A voice calls. You turn around and see her, Betty, a.k.a. Roberta. "Betty! I told you that my code name is Krissy!" You speak with gritted teeth, looking at her. She nods and giggles. "You're right, Krissy. I forgot for a second!" She responds as you both share a laughter. "Do you think it's gonna be hot?" You ask your friend, who is looking at the road. "Yeah, Diane said that Elvis himself might be around..." Betty announces, scoffing. "You never know that kid, he might pop out of nowhere. You seen how that chick fell for him yesterday?" She adds, rolling her eyes. "No- No I- I haven't." You shyly reply, shaking your head. 

You see a black car arriving, Betty looks at you. "What you wanna do girl?" She asks you, while you are leaning against the streetlamp. "You know, I might just take the risk and wait for mister Pelvis." You respond, making her smirk. "Well, good luck with that! I ain't waiting for that shaky shaky!" She says as she hops inside the black car, giggling as the vehicle speeds away. Wonderful, you are alone again. "Can you tell me the time, please?" You ask a random man, who is just minding his own business. "It's bitch time! Why the fuck would I waste my precious minutes to talk to you?" He responds, this makes you scoff. "Well honeybooboo, you just replied to me, so you owe me one." You say, winking. He rolls his eyes. "A quarter to midnight." 

"Thanks babe." You kiss his cheek, then walk to the edge of the sidewalk, waiting. And waiting. And waiting. You suppose it is 1 a.m. by now. You are looking at the shop behind you, showing your back to the road. You walk closer to the shop window, checking the items: one purse is $495,99. "I'll never be able to afford that." You laugh as you shake your head. You bend down at 90 degrees, a risky position; you hear some steps coming up behind you: within a millisecond, you kick the man in the shin and he is on the ground, whining. You turn your body to see who that was. "Antonio!" You yell, rolling your eyes. Antonio is Betty's brother, two Italian citizens who went to the U.S. to change their lives. Suddenly, a car honks at you: you look up at the road and see a pink Cadillac Eldorado. You kick Antonio over as you make your way to the stranger, they roll down the window as you bend and rest your elbows on it, this makes your breasts show even more. At first, you do not recognize the man. "Hello there, miss." He says, speaking in a southern accent. You look at him for a second time, your eyes go wide. It is Elvis Presley! "You wanna hop in, honey?" He asks again, making you blush and nod, going to the other side of the vehicle and opening the door to get in. You make yourself comfortable in the car, sitting crisscross on the seat. "So, you're the big Elvis Presley?" You say as he drives through the empty yet full road of Las Vegas' Strip. "Yeah, I- I guess you- you might say that. What 'bout you, baby? What's your name?" Your heart skips a beat as he asks your name. "You can call me Krissy, please." You respond, trying to keep a firm voice. "Alright, Krissy." 

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