Summer kisses, winter tears. (Part 6)

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"Wait, you want me to drive with you or... What?" I ask, bein' a lil confused. Then, we smile at each other and start pokin' each other's arms, waist, everythin'. We end up huggin', then we realize that the guys are still watchin' us so we quickly pull away. "Listen, I'll pick you up at three, alright?" Joe says, combin' his hair. 

Normal P.O.V.

You walk out of the school and see that Joanie is standing near a cardboard that says: 


You approach your friend and greet her. "Hello Joanie." You politely say. "Are you going to Thunder Road?" You ask, holding your books in your arms. "Not a chance." She replies, looking away. "I've got to go... I have to talk to Elvis." You sigh, looking back at the exit, then at her. "Unless you've got wheels and a motor, he won't know you're alive." She responds, you can tell that she is not feeling the best. "Listen, I know that we haven't been the best of friends... But if there's anything I can do..." You offer her your help, even if she bluntly refuses it. "Oh, I can take care of myself... And anybody else who comes along. You think I don't know what people are saying about me?" She says, you turn around and make your way out. "Hey." She calls, so you turn around again to look at her. "Thanks." She says, smiling at you. 

Third Person's P.O.V.

Thunder Road, the yearly local car ride, is about to begin. Everybody, both players and audience, finally arrive at the place for the race. Greased Lightnin' - that is the name of one of the two cars racing - is parked for a small minute as the racers get ready. Mick, the leader of the Stones, approaches Joe and Elvis. "So you guys think you got a winner there, huh?" The boy asks as Joe immediately strikes back: "That's right." The other boy takes a look at Greased Lightnin', then speaks. "Yeah, well it takes more than a coat of paint to make it to Thunder Road." Joe looks at the boy up and down. "Oh yeah?" He asks, raising one eyebrow. "You guys ain't thinking about changing your mind, are ya?" Mick asks, shoving his hands in his pockets. "No way." Joe firmly responds. "Good, 'cause we are racing for the Littles." 

"Littles?" Elvis asks, chuckling to himself. "Littles, you punk! Little slips, ownership papers!" Mick quickly yells back. Elvis chuckles more at his friends, then he starts moving towards Mick, trying to pick a fight. Joe immediately stops him, "Stop, don't worry. I'll take care of it, alright?" while Mick and his friends make fun of them. "Hey, get the dude, man!" He says, going to his girlfriend - Ann-Margret - who takes out a medallion from her breasts. "What is she giving him?" Elizabeth asks her friends while looking at the scene. "A lock of hair from her chest!" Anita responds, inhaling from her cigarette. The couple kisses, even if it is surprising for everyone, since the night before Mick was with one of the Little Ones

"Poor Joe..." Elizabeth pouts, walking away from the pink car. Suddenly, she stops. "See a penny, pick it up! All day long you'll have good luck!!" She exclaims, taking the coin up from the floor. "Gimme that!" Anita responds, taking the coin from her friend's hand, going to Joe and handing him the coin. "Here, Joe, I brought you a lil something for good luck." She says. "Gee, thanks." He responds, trying to take the coin but it falls down on the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Elizabeth says as Joe bends down to pick it up. "Don't worry about it." As he is on his knees, Sonny suddenly opens the door right in front of Joe's head. Everybody runs to their friend, who is lying on the concrete. "You Sonny!" Red exclaims, checking on his friend. Elvis does not think twice and kneels down, placing a hand on Joe's chest as Anita takes off her jacket. "Put this under his head." She frowns, as the boys do as she requests. "Presley, he's out cold." Lamar says, looking at Joe. In the meantime, the Stones and their chickens are laughing at the scene. "What are we gonna do?" Red asks the group. Without Joe, in fact, there would not be any race. 

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