I don't care if the sun don't shine!

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|| Hello people! I'm finally back on this book and with this story I'm going to write as if Elvis was a Disney prince... I'll let you read to discover which Disney classic this is! Of course, I had to change a few things because of the narration and everything. Enjoy!! ||

Germany, 1856.

Third Person Narration

Once upon a time... In a faraway Iand, there was a tiny kingdom: peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition. There, in a stately chateau, Iived a widowed gentleman and his IittIe child, Y/N. Although he was a kind and devoted father and gave his beloved child every luxury and comfort, still he felt they needed a mother's care. And so he married again, choosing for his second wife a woman of good family with two daughters just Y/N's age, their names were Priscilla and Ginger. It was upon the untimely death of this good man, however, that the stepmother's true nature was revealed. Cold, cruel, and bitterly jealous of Y/N's charm and beauty, she was grimly determined to forward the interests of her own two awkward daughters. So, as time went by, the castle fell into disrepair, for the family fortunes were squandered upon the vain and selfish stepsisters, while Y/N was abused, humiliated, and finally forced to become a servant in their own house. And yet, through it all, Y/N remained ever gentle and kind, for with each dawn they found new hope that someday...  their dreams of happiness would come true.

Normal Narration

You wake up at 4 am in your little bedroom, it might be very small and dusty, but at least you can see the beautiful landscape. You get up from your bed and stretch, wearing your blue satin robe and heading to the tub, taking some of the water with the sponge and tapping your body gently. As you wash yourself, you hum a little and sing your favorite song, the one that your father used to sing. "La la la... La la... No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing... The dream that you wish... Will come true..." As you finish, you hear some scratching on your door. You get out of the tub and wear your brown skirt/pair of pants and blue shirt, all covered by an apron, since you will need to clean all day. You walk to the door and see your matron's cat, Lucifer, looking at you as if you just killed the last mouse in the house. He then turns away, walking in a posh style. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. Come, kitty. Come on. Lucifer! Come here! I'm sorry if Your Highness objects to an early breakfast. It's certainly not my idea to feed you first. It's orders. Come on." You walk towards the hallway and put down the bowl with the cat's food, then you notice the dog, Albert, sleeping and moving his legs as if he is running. "Albert... Albert! Dreaming again. Chasing Lucifer? Catch him this time? That's bad! Suppose they heard you upstairs? You know the orders. So if you don't want to Iose a nice warm bed, you'd better get rid of those dreams. You know how? Just Iearn to Iike cats. No, I mean it. Lucifer has his good points too. For one thing, he... Well...Sometimes he... Hmm... There must be something good about him. Albert! Oh, Albert. Come on now, outside. I know it isn't easy, but at Ieast we should try to get along together. And that includes you, Your Majesty! Breakfast time! Everybody up! Hurry, hurry! Come on, everybody. Breakfast, breakfast!" You lay down the dog's bowl as well, and the animals finally come to eat. Suddenly, as you are enjoying yourself with the animals, both Priscilla and Ginger start calling you. "Y/N!" They yell, so you nod. "I'm coming!! I'm coming!!" 

Third Person Narration

In the meantime, in another big castle, such a better one than the one where our main character lives, there is an argument between King Vernon and his Grand Duke, George. "No 'buts' about it! My son has been avoiding his responsibilities long enough! It's high time he married and settled down." The King says as the Duke nods. "Of course, Your Majesty... But we must be patient." The fight goes on for about an hour, until the King proposes something original. "Well, what could be more natural than a ball... to celebrate his return?" This is because the Prince had left some months before to go around Europe and see if he could find a gorgeous Prince or Princess to marry. Sadly, he would return this same night with empty hands, since he could find no one. The King looks at his Grand Duke and makes him arrange the ball for tonight, and he tells him to make sure that any available maid and manservant is there.

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