Merry Christmas, baby.

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|| So, beautiful hoomans. I know that it's the middle of the summer but I feel some Christmas vibes every time I listen to Elvis, I don't know why. Enjoy! ||

Christmas, 1972.

It's Christmas day. You and your boyfriend, Joe Esposito, are ready to celebrate the day and night along with all your friends. One thing you aren't looking forward to, though, is Elvis. He is your ex boyfriend, and you know that he didn't take well the fact that you are living with his best friend. Anyway, you try not to think about it, since you have some chores and housework to do before all the guests arrive.

You hang the last silver bell on your Christmas tree, it looks so sweet. "Joe, honey!" You call, wanting your boyfriend to admire your wonderful decorations. "Yes, Y/N?" He says, softly spanking your butt. You giggle and point at the tree. "Isn't it romantic, Joe?" You ask, blushing. "Mmh... Yeah." He admits, shrugging and walking away. "Joe! I-" You want him to be there for you, but he stops you. "I got stuff to do! Don't bother me!" You highly feel offended and hurt by his behavior, so you walk to the living room and sit on the couch, being extremely mad. You cross your arms and furrow your brows, glaring at him each time he passes. Why did you get with him, he's so rude and selfish!

"Good evening..." You hear a familiar voice coming from the door. You look over: it's Elvis. You quickly look back in front of you, not wanting to see him again. "Oh, hi Y/N, it's nice to see you too." He says, walking to the couch and sitting next to you. He softly kisses your cheek. You then look at him. "Hi, Elvis... I'm sorry if I look like I'm wanting to kill you. But Joe just made me so upset!" You say, rolling your eyes. He surrounds you with his arm, kissing your temple. "Get comfortable, satnin. Y'know I'm here for you. Always and forever." He says. His soothing voice calms you down. You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. "Why- Why did you cheat on me, Elvis?" You ask him, sighing and sniffing. He sighs and plays with your hair, looking down at you. "I- I didn't cheat, darlin'. I- I just kissed Mary, I- I surely didn't mean to do that to- to cheat on you." He says, you can hear that he's being honest. He never stutters when he's lying.

"But.. Elvis, it hurt me." You say, looking up at him. "I know, baby.. And I'm sorry. I truly apologize..." He says, looking into your eyes and leaning closer. Joe coughs as he walks in. "Sorry to interrupt." He yells, glaring at Elvis, who stands up and takes off his signature shades. "Joe, I didn't think you would hurt her this bad. She told me that you made her upset. I thought she'd be in good hands when she got with ya, because you're my best friend... You're disappointin' me, Joe. You really are." Elvis tells his friend. You look at the two men, being a little worried. You're afraid they might beat each other.

Within three minutes, Elvis takes off his jacket and places it on the sofa next to you. You look at him and frown. "Elvis.. Don't hurt him.. And don't get hurt yourself." You tell him, holding his hand for a moment. He nods his head, sighing. "Don't worry, baby. Everything's gonna be just fine." He reassures you, before throwing a fist at Joe's chest. "How dare you treat my girl like that, huh?" Elvis yells, glaring at Joe, who is thrown against the wall. Joe slowly stands up and gains his composure. "As far- As far as I know, she ain't your girl anymore, pretty boy Presley." Then he throws a fist at Elvis' face. He falls on the couch, you move to the side. "Elvis!!" You yell, but he turns around and looks at you. "Don't worry baby, I'm alright." He says, standing up and grabbing Joe's neck, pushing him against the wall. "You don't even have the right to say what's mine and what's not mine. D'you think I was alright with the fact that you got with her? Oh no I wasn't. Now, what if you go to hell for a moment and lemme have my time with my girl? I gotta give her her Christmas gift." He says, preparing his fist one more time. Joe gulps.

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