Burning love. (Part 2)

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|| Here you have the second part! Enjoy!!||

You forgot about your period. You start blushing, you look around. Nobody was in the water by that time. "Luckily there aren't any sharks." You think loudly, looking around and shrugging. You play with the water for a few hours, floating and closing your eyes. A strange figure then hits your legs with its tail. You decide to go under the water to see what it is.

A SHARK! You start panicking, the blood might have attired it! You quickly start moving back to the shore, hoping for it not to reach you

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A SHARK! You start panicking, the blood might have attired it! You quickly start moving back to the shore, hoping for it not to reach you. Oh, how you wish Elvis could be here to protect you! Yet you keep moving, finally feeling the sand under your feet. You take a sigh of relief, even if you feel your heart racing at its best. You look down at your legs, they are red from your blood. You start crying silently, sitting down on the sand and curling yourself up in a ball. You feel a little cold, the morning is about to come.

{The morning}

Elvis' P.O.V.

Y/B/N had to go back in the U.S, some problems with his job. Now, Y/N, that lady is under my supervision. I don't even think I'll survive this time with her. She's super moody: one hour she's mean, next our she's sweet. But what hours?! Minutes! Seconds! I had a great time with her, though. 

I get up from my bed and walk to the bathroom, closin' the door. Since it's my business ya'll shouldn't be knowin' what I do in there. So, folks. We were sayin'. I get out of the bathroom and open the closet, takin' out a beige outfit, then I wear it and do my hair, gellin' it back. I love my black raven hair, man. I get out of the room and direct myself to Y/N's room. I knock on the door. I wait some minutes, nobody opens. I force the door without breakin' it, I let myself in: no Y/N in there. She probably is havin' breakfast? I walk to the common restaurant, greetin' my colleagues and lookin' for Y/N. Still no Y/N. Where in the world did that woman go? I then head to the hotel's hall. "Hey, pal. D'ya see a very young girl with a very tiny body walkin' over here this mornin'?" I ask the receptionist, who nods his head. "She went out last night. I don't know where she went, though." He speaks in his Mexican accent. I take his both hands and kiss them. "Thank you very much, man. I owe you somethin'." I say in gratitude, runnin' out of the hotel. I take a moment to think, then take a bicycle and ride to the bridge, the one I took her on the first day. I look down in the water, maybe she decided to dive? Ah, no. She ain't that silly. 

I decide to sit on the bench, bein' quite worried for the girl. I don't wanna know that she is in danger or somethin'. Otherwise, it would be mine and only my fault for that. I look at my watch, startin' to get impatient. 


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