Love me tender... (Part 2)

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As soon as you are sure she is gone, you take a moment to look at Elvis once again, talking to him. "I have an idea, Elvis." You say, looking into his eyes. "What is it?" He asks, before you start whispering, explaining your plan to him. 

The next day, after the first ceremony trial, you ask your parents to go to town. You have decided to meet with a herbalist: you want to fake your own death, that is the only way you can escape with Elvis, instead of getting married to Mike. When you get to the shop, you see a man, probably in his 80s, working on a set of medicines and other kinds of stuff. "Hello, kind sir." You gently say. "Oh, welcome! Miss Y/L/N, welcome! How may I help you?" He asks, looking at you and fixing his glasses. "Oh, a young man has reserved an elixir for me, right?" You tell him, who quickly looks through the boxes. "Oh, there, there... Alright, you have this paid already. Here are the instructions: just three drops before going to bed and you'll be asleep for 24 hours. Not more, not less." You nod your head and take the box. "Oh, please. I've never been here." You look at him, who might understand. You run out of the shop and go back to your house, getting ready to try the new potion. 

You sit and eat dinner as if nothing is happening, you are very great at hiding secrets. "In a week, Y/N, in a week!" Your mother happily announces. You force yourself to smile. "Yes, mom! I seriously can't wait!" You reply, nodding your head. Your father seems not to care, yet he knows you are not being truthful. There is one thing you cannot wait for: your death. 

As soon as you walk upstairs, you do the night routine: you brush your hair, wash your face, brush your teeth and lay down on the bed. You take a deep breath and finally take the three drops of the elixir. Within some minutes, you are knocked out. 

Third Person's P.O.V.

The girl is now lying in her bed, strengthless and apparently lifeless. She is sleeping through the entire night, and the next morning her parents see her. The mother walks closer to her and tries to wake her up. "Y/N, good morning sweetheart. It's a beautiful day, perfect for your wedding!" But the girl does not move a single inch. It looks like she is not breathing. "Y/F/N, can you take a look at her, please?" The mother asks, and the man immediately comes closer. He checks her face, her belly and her wrist. "My lady, we lost her." 

"WHAT?!" The mother yells with such a strength to make every bird fly away. The nurses come. The gardener, the housekeeper, the cook, the soldiers. The room is now full of people. "Right- Right on the day of her wedding!!! Is it fate, Y/F/N? Does it all really mean she shouldn't have been promised to Mike?" The woman asks, falling on her knees. The man comforts her, while the same herbalist comes in the room. "Poor soul, she shouldn't have ended up like that." As he slowly moves over to the girl, checking the only place where her heart still beats: her neck. 

What had to be a wedding ceremony, is turning into a funeral. The maids and the butlers are getting everything ready: dressing the girl up in a white dress, combing her hair into a braids crown and adding some white daisies for decoration. The girl needs to be buried in a daisy field, the only place where she will be able to rest in peace. 

{Eight hours later}

Mike has stood there for the entire ritual. Y/N's mother has been comforting him. "Don't worry, my lady. She is gone for the life of everyone. She didn't love me, nor she did love you. She would have rather escaped with that Presley boy, ruining everyone's life." This is what the man says, before putting his coat back on and leaving for the daisy field. 

The girl is in her wooden coffin, they are gently laying it inside a horse-drawn carriage, which is guided by one of the Presley servants, Joe Esposito. As soon as they arrive, the same people drag the coffin down and lay it on the grass. "We were unlucky, Y/F/N, very unlucky." The mother says, drying her tears. 

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