requested - Legolas

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Last I looked, I have 111k reads on this. That is amazing guys. Thank you so much!

It's eleven at night where I am, not very late, but I'm also watching PewDiePie play a horror game (the video is appropriately titled DON'T WATCH LATE AT NIGHT), so I apologize if there are any mistakes!

I took some creative freedom with this one, hope you don't mind!

I wasn't given a name for the girl, and if the requester wants a name for her, I don't mind going back and editing it in!


Legolas walked around the borders of a human village near Mirkwood, his bow in his hand. He's been doing this for the last few weeks.

A human girl watched him from her bedroom as he patrolled the border of her village. He was handsome, most handsome being she's ever seen.

He could never fall for someone like her, surely.

Her mother called for her. "You need to go out and feed the pigs!"

"Alright, Mum!" She called back, leaving her window and trotting down the stairs and out to the pen and pouring the pigs' food into the trough.

She looked up and saw that Legolas had walked down farther, closer to where she was now. He was just on the other side of the fence to her yard now, a few feet away from her. He smiled at her, and she smiled back, her stomach a flurry of butterflies and nerves.

Something flashed in the bushes of the forest surrounding the village.

An orc emerged from the bushes, his sword raised to kill the Elven Prince.

The girl leapt over the fence and wrapped her arms around the beast's neck. "Your Highness!" She choked out, tightening her arms around the orc's neck.

Legolas whirled around. He drew his bow and aimed it at the beast just as it managed to flip her over his head. It wrapped his arm around her neck.

"You shoot princeling, and the girl dies!" The orc snarled, his arm tightening around her neck, making her choke.

Legolas' eyes stared deep into her eyes, his knuckles white as he gripped his bow, aiming at the orc.

The girl's hand wrapped around the orc's arm in an attempt to loosen the orc's grip. She made eye contact with the elven Prince, and tapped her finger on the orc's arm.

Legolas caught her drift, and in the blink of an eye, he shot the orc's arm, causing it to roar in pain, and release her. She scrambled away from the orc, and to Legolas' side, who shot the Orc between the eyes, killing it instantly.

Legolas turned to the girl, putting his bow away. "You saved my life," he said.

She blushed, looking down at her feet. "You saved mine, Prince Legolas."

A finger curled under her chin, and she looked up into his blue eyes. "Then we're even," he smiled.

She smiled back. "Then I guess we are."


Sorry for the crap ending, I didn't exactly know how to end it, but I hope you liked it, anyways!

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