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~There's a reason Thranduil hates Thorin.~

*Awkwardly shuffles behind Legolas*

Plz don't murder me for this one. Despite popular belief, I happen to quite enjoy life.



You stood behind Thranduil as Esgaroth burned, the dwarves and men running for their lives.

"Please!" Thorin begged, looking up at Thranduil, "Help us!"

Thranduil looked coldly at the dwarven prince, before turning around and walking away.

You glared at him, grabbing his arm. "Thranduil! You cannot just turn your back on them!"

He looked down at you. "I can, and I will."

He ripped his arm from your grip, and walked away, his army following obediently, as you - the captain of the guard - stood there, fuming.

You turned and leapt down to the burning town, and began helping the dwarf prince pull survivors out of the rubble.

He looked up at you, startled, yet extremely grateful. "Thank you."

You glanced over at him, smiling slightly as you lifted a child out of the rubble, and handed him to his mother. "It is no problem."

The dragon swooped down again, and you spotted a child stuck under a beam.

You sprinted towards the child, and lifted it off of her. And she scurried away, leaving you to drop the beam, and catch your breath.

The dragon swooped over you, and the red flames erupting from his mouth were the last thing you ever saw.


Thranduil panicked, after he realized you hadn't returned with him and the army.

He knew you'd go help those insolent dwarves.

He arrived just in time to see the flames engulf you.

"NO!" He cried, running to your body.

He lifted you into his arms, and gently pressed his ear to your chest, listening for your heartbeat.

He started sobbing, and ran you back to Mirkwood, lying you down on the bed you two shared.

"Why? Why? Why?" He mumbled, tears pouring down his face.

He held your stiff hand tightly in his own, his body shaking with silent sobs.

"Thranduil?" I weak, scratchy voice reached his sharp ears, and his head snapped up, seeing you had woken.

"Oh, my [Y/N]!" He cried, stroking your charred hair back from your face. "I thought I'd lost you!"

You weakly reached your hand up to his face, and smiled. "I'm not going anywhere, for a very long time."


Be honest:

How many of you thought I was going to kill you off?

Well, if you did, (which, judging by your reactions to my previous depressing imagines, was about 98% percent of you) Do you really think id give you guys such a horrible death?! How insulting.

Lol, I'm kidding. I love all you guys.

14+ k reads!!!!! You guys seriously rock!!

PS: some of you guys requested a few imagines, and I'm sorry but I barely found enough time to do this one, so I'm not taking anymore requests. So sorry! Wait to comment it again when I re-open the requests, and I will definitely do it!

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