~ beorn ~

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damn I didn't know this was going where it did but...

~ two of a kind ~


"Hey, [Y/N]," Nori grunted, inclining his head towards you. "Why don't you shift into your birdy form and see how far back the orcs are?"

The company muttered in agreement, and though Bilbo didn't say anything he was glad the question was directed towards you instead of him, since he just knew that Gandalf was going to suggest that he did it. Besides, it would be much harder for the orcs to spot a small sparrow than a hobbit.

You sighed, air whooshing out of your nose in exasperation. "Fine," you relented, earning a pat on the back from Dwalin, nearly sending you sprawling forwards from the force. You glowered up at him, pouting slightly.

You're admittedly a tiny little thing, which went hand-in-hand with being able to shift into a sparrow. You stood a good few inches shorter than Bilbo (and quite a good bit smaller), which was cause for worry in the company, but their concerns were put to rest after seeing your extensive skill with your twin swords.

You stepped behind a large tree and shifted, your clothes dropping to the ground as you flew back to the company, landing on Gandalf's shoulder and tweeting into his ear before flying off. Ori went behind the tree and gathered up your clothes, tucking them into your bag, which Fili took from him and shouldered.

You landed on the branch of a tall tree, and watched as the orcs raced off. They were a few leagues away from the company, but it wouldn't stay that way if you dawdled too long. A low growl reached your ears and your feathers ruffled. A large bear stood a little ways away from you, on an overlook, watching the orcs with its fur standing on ends in anger.

You took off in a flurry of feathers and landed back on Gandalf's shoulder, chirping frantically in his ear.

"What is it? What's she saying?" Gloin demanded, the company echoing his words.

"The orcs are a good league or two away, but she says there's something else out there." Gandalf relayed, earning a rumble of confusion and concern in response.

Gandalf turned his attention back to you, tutting as you hopped anxiously around on his shoulder. "Tell me," he said. "Did it take the form of a bear?"

You chirped an affirmative response into the wizard's ear.

Gandalf then told the company about a place the company could take shelter in.

You flew ahead of the company, tweeting wildly as you led the way to the house, the dwarves, hobbit, and wizard hot on your feathered tail.

You landed on Kili's shoulder and twittered anxiously as you waited for them to open the door to the large house.

It opened and the company filtered in, immediately whirling around to slam and bar the door against the humongous bear on the other side. You flew up through the rafters and out through a window that had been left slightly ajar, not bothering to stay and listen to Gandalf's explanation.

You watched the large bear retreat into the woods, and you relaxed slightly, settling yourself down for the night, confident your company was safe inside the large house. You tucked your head under your wing and drifted off into a light slumber.

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