requested - Aragorn

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Treva's POV

I sat in what I hoped was an inconspicuous seat in the Prancing Pony Inn, minding my own business.

I was born in Rohan, but the life there just wasn't what I was looking for. So I packed up a bag, and strapped it to the back of my horse, Teryl, and went off looking for new life.

A few years later, I'm one of the best Rangers in Middle Earth.

Next to my best friend Strider, of course. But I think I'm better. Just don't tell him I said that.

Let's just say I'm possibly on every Orc's Hit List about five times. At least.

I was about to take a sip of my ale when a rough hand landed on my shoulder. My hand immediately went to my knife hidden in my belt, but someone grabbed it before I could.

"Aragorn! Give me a heart attack, why don't ya?"

I turned to face him, but he wasn't smiling like he usually is.

"Tre, you need to get out of here."

"What? Why?" Aragorn looked over at the door to the Inn before pulling me towards the rooms.

"Tre, you're being hunted. The orcs, they all want you dead. They've been hunting you for the past few days."

I sat down in one of the chairs, letting the new information sink into my brain. "Where do I go, Aragorn? I can't just hope they'll leave me alone, because you and I both know that they won't!"

He took my hand and pulled me up. "Go to Rivendell. I'll be there in a few days, but you don't have days. You have hours at the most. Make it to the borders, and you'll be safe."

I nodded, standing and heading to the door.

He grabbed my hand before I could turn the doorknob, ad pulled me back towards him.

His lips crashed down onto mine, and thanks to reflexes, I kissed back.

"Be safe," he told me, before I left the Inn, my cheeks flaming bright red.


A week later, I was wandering through the halls of Rivendell, mindlessly running my fingers along the walls.

Aragorn was supposed to be here.

When Arwen came-carrying a fatally injured hobbit named Frodo-she said that Aragorn would be here in a few days.

I sighed before sitting die on a bench near the sword Isildur used to cut off the Ring of Destruction. I looked up at the painting, not really seeing it.

"It's a beautiful painting, isn't it?"

I jumped, and looked over at the source of the voice.


I launched at him, wrapping my arms tightly around him.

He chuckled, his broad chest rumbling beneath my cheek. "I'm so glad you're safe, Treva," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"You're glad I'm okay? I'm glad you're okay!" I said, pulling back to look up into his blue eyes.

He rested his hands on my cheeks, and smiled. "We're both okay. How about that?"

I smiled back, placing my hands on his hips and kissing him sweetly.

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