~ kili ~

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~ run ~

"You're going to what?"

Kili hurriedly shushed his brother, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm going to prank Thorin! I need your help, though."

Fili shook his head. "No. No way. I'm not going to get involved! Uncle will murder the both of us, and the line of Durin needs an heir!"

Kili rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on, Fi. It's just a harmless little prank!"


"I'll give you ten coins."

Fili raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to bribe me?"

Kili shrugged. "That depends. Is it working?"


"Oh, come on!" Kili hissed, exasperated. "I'll take full responsibility for it if anything goes wrong."

"Full responsibility?"

"Full responsibility," Kili assured.

"Fine, I'm in. But as soon as this thing heads south—which it will—I am out!" Fili said, pointing a finger in his brother's face.


All Fili had to do was distract Thorin by whatever means possible, and Kili would roll his plan into action. He was going to slip a bunch of harmless long-legged spiders he'd found into Thorin's bedroll. Completely harmless, but terrifying nonetheless.

"Do you really think a bunch of spiders is going to scare our Uncle? The dwarf who took on Azog with naught but an oaken shield?" Fili had hissed, baffled by his brother's apparent stupidity.

"C'mon, Fi. Imagine a bunch of these babies crawling all over you, feeling them moving against your skin, trapped in a tiny bedroll with you, no where to go but all over you and your clothes, creeping up your body, not knowing what it is until you look down and see dozens of spiders crawling up your body towards your face!" Kili stopped and grinned once he saw his older brother shudder.

"Okay. Point taken. You better work fast though."

"Got it."

Fili had pulled Thorin aside, so his back was to Kili as he poured the sack full of spiders into the bedroll.

"Kili, what are you doing?" Kili looked up at you, eyes wide at being caught.

"Shh, love. Pulling a prank on Thorin. You'll see later." He grinned, winking.

You rolled your eyes. You thought about telling him he's put them in the wrong bedroll, but you just shrugged, kissed him on his scruffy cheek and went to help Bombur with tonight's stew instead.

That night, you watched Kili's handsome face closely as he watched the bedroll he'd poured the spiders into intensely. Waiting for his uncle to go to sleep.

Only, that wasn't his uncle's bedroll.

Kili watched in horror as Thorin climbed into the bedroll two away from the spider-infested one.

The one Dwalin climbed into.

"What in Mahal's name?! Who the hell put spiders in my bedroll??" He growled.

You looked at Kili with a sickly sweet grin, pecking him quickly on the cheek.

"You knew!" He accused.

"You run. You run, and you better run like hell," was all you said once you noticed Dwalin approaching, face flushed red with anger.

Kili yelped as he ran into the surrounding forest, Dwalin hot on his heels.

You laughed, climbing into your own bedroll. "Goodnight everyone!"

"Goodnight, [Y/N]!"


this is from my tumblr blog, imagineinhobbiton

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