requested - Kili

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Hope it's okay that I used Kira for the name!


Kili's POV

Oh, Durin, she's beautiful, I thought to myself as I watched Kira laugh at one of Bofur's jokes.

Her long, silky hair that shines when the light hits it just right, her sparkling eyes that seem to glitter when she smiles.

I want to tell her how I feel. I need to tell her how I feel.

So, tonight, I'm going to go for it.


"Fili, can I talk to you?" I asked my brother, tugging on his sleeve.

"Yeah." I dragged him away from the camp, shooting Kira a smile as she quirked an eyebrow at us.

"Kili? What in Durin's name is this about?"

I sighed, tugging on my hair. "I like Kira. I really, really like her."

Fili smiled at me, ruffling my hair. "Aw! My baby brother is all grown up!"

"Fili!" I whined, swatting his hands off my head. "I'm serious! I'm planning on telling her tonight!"

Fili smiled at me. "Just go with what feels right, Kili. Just don't come on too strong. You don't want to scare her off."

I glowered at him. "Yeah, yeah."

Geez! It happened one time!


"K-Kira? Can I talk to you for a second?" I stuttered, feeling my cheeks turn red.

"Yeah, sure," she smiled, standing and following me to a little clearing I found.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" She asked me, smiling.

"Kira, I-I, er..." She looked at me expectantly. "Oh for the love of-"

I tugged her close, and kissed her hard, not expecting her to react the way she did.

She kissed back.

When we pulled away, her cheeks were red, and she was grinning.

"I really like you Kira."

She smiled at me, kissing my cheek. "I really like you, too, Kili."

We walked back into camp, and Fili tugged me aside. "How'd it go?"

I grinned stupidly at him. "She kissed back," I sighed, going to sit next to her by the fire.

"Brilliant!" He said. " kissed already?"



There you go, @KiraDurin! Hope you liked it!

I'm so happy I'm actually getting requests! Keep it coming!

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