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Alright, I'm somewhat calmed down (not really) so I figured I'd take out all my feelings in this one.

I apologize in advance.

Keep some tissues handy.

(May contain a very little amount of spoilers, pertaining to how some epic fight scenes go down. Read at your own risk.)


~You save his life...~


You scrambled over the piles of rocks, your sword in hand.

Tears were running down your face already. It was too late for Fili and Kili, ( :( )but you can sure as hell attempt to save their uncle, and your love.

You heaved yourself up and over a crumbling wall, and saw that Azog was throwing a large metal ball around at Thorin, the ice beneath them cracking under the force.

You scrambled to climb down to get to them, breath coming in short gasps.

You looked back at them in time to see Thorin throw Azog's metal ball back into his arms, and step off the ice.

Azog sunk into the freezing water, scrambling to get a grip on the ice. It was no use; he fell beneath the ice.

"Thorin!" You cried, gaining his attention.

He looked up at you, and smiled, looking slightly relieved.

He began carefully walking over the ice towards you, and you began walking towards him.

He cried out in agony as Azog's claw stabbed through the ice and through his foot.

"Thorin!" You screamed, watching in horror as he scrambled back, Azog emerging from the ice, very much alive.

You began running towards them, breath coming fast as adrenaline began pumping through your veins.

Azog pinned Thorin to the ice, fighting Thorin to impale him with his claw.

You were feet away from them, and just as Thorin let go of Azog's claw, you tackled the orc, knocking both of you to the ice.

You landed on top of Azog, and he growled at you, plunging his claw through your stomach, and throwing you off of him.

Thorin roared in anger, plunging his sword through Azog's chest before the orc had a chance to react.

Thorin climbed off of his body, and rushed over to you.

You were sobbing for breath, tears streaming down your face. The wound on your stomach was bleeding profusely, turning the snow around you red with your blood.

Thorin dropped to his knees beside you, fighting back tears.

"Th-tho-orin," you gasped, reaching your arm weakly up towards him.

He grabbed your hand and held it to his cheek. "Sh, [Y/N]," he said, "your going to be alright." His voice cracked, and he carefully and gently pulled you into his arms, cradling you to his chest as tears finally started dribbling down his cheeks.

You weakly cupped his cheek in your hand, stroking his cheekbone with your thumb. "I'm not," you whispered, wincing in pain.

"D-don't talk like that, [Y/N]. Please," he told you, brushing your hair out of your face.

You ignored him, a small whimper of pain escaping you as you took a breath that was too deep. "I love you," you told him, looking into his beautiful eyes. "So much."

"I love you, too," he said, lowering his head to kiss you gently for the last time.

When he pulled away, your eyes were blank, and your hand went slack in his.

He began sobbing. The great King Under the Mountain began sobbing.

Bilbo stumbled up about then, and gasped at the sight before him, falling to his knees.

One by one, the company appeared, dropping to their knees and ducking their heads out of respect.

Thorin reached up through his sobs and gently closed your eyes, kissing you again.

"I'll miss you," he whispered. "So much."


Yayyy for depressing imagines!

Love you all!

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