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~You come to the council meeting...~

Legolas could only see red as he argued with Gimli. Who does the the little trout sniffer think he is?!

It only got louder as Gandalf joined the fray, originally standing to calm everyone down.

Suddenly, a loud crack of thunder sounded, and a bolt of lightening crashed down into the pavilion.

"SILENCE!" A woman's voice roared, startling the people.
Legolas looked over to see someone he has not seen for many, many, years.


Legolas marched in front of the company of thirteen dwarves and a girl.

The girl was like no other girl, human or elleth, he's ever seen before. Her hair was not of a normal color; it was a light purple, the same color of the lilac flowers that used to bloom in Mirkwood in late spring, and fell to the middle of her back.

Her eyes were golden, and seemed to have been blocked of any and all emotions.

She wasn't normal, that's one thing Legolas was sure of.

"Take the them to the dungeon, except the girl and Oakenshield," he ordered. "King Thranduil would want to speak with you, Thorin Oakenshield."

Two guards led the dwarf away, and it was just the girl and Legolas left standing in the corridor.

"Who are you?" He asked her, eyes narrowed.

She raised her nose indignantly in the air. "I am [Y/N] [Y/L/N]," you said, "The Violet Witch."

Legolas's eyes widened. "The Violet Witch! No one has ever laid eyes on you!"

You glowered. "Yes, until the beginning of this journey. Gandalf wished for me to accompany them."

You were the Violet Witch, the most powerful magical being in Middle Earth.

Legolas snapped back into the present, and saw that people were volunteering to accompany Frodo to destroy the ring.

"You have my bow," he said, joining the group.

[Y/N] stood from her seat. "Young Master Frodo, you have my assistance. I shall accompany you wherever you are to go on this quest."

You ended up going with Sam and Frodo to Mordor.

Legolas had never felt as much anxiety as he did then, knowing you could possibly die.

"Legolas," you moaned, entangling your fingers in his beautiful, long, blonde hair.

He kissed you harder. He hadn't seen you since you escaped from his father's dungeons, hours after he had confessed his feelings for you.

You had felt the same way, and had reluctantly left him behind.

You had been reunited after you aided in the slaying of Smaug, and had kissed him passionately.

Much as he is doing now.

In the morning, you had left, leaving nothing behind but a note.

"I'm sorry."

Over the course of the journey, you had warmed up to each other, and were eventually chatting and goofing around like old friends.

That morning, before the Uruks came, he had kissed you.

And you had kissed back.

And now, as he watches Mount Doom explode, he feels as is his heart is crawling its way up his throat.

He watched, anxious, as Gandalf rose into Mordor on giant Eagles.

They came back, and one laid down an unconscious form in his arms, one with purple hair.

He cradled you gently to his chest, and carried you on his horse all the way back to Gondor, seeing as Frodo and Sam were in more need of a quick trip than you were, since your magic heals you.

Legolas sat by your bed for an entire day, holding your hand, and waiting for your eyes to open up.

And they did.
Not my best work, but eh.

What evs.

Sorry preferences were closed down, it was getting to be a lot with my schoolwork, and I didn't want to disappoint anyone if I just didn't post an imagine for them.



Ps: if u requested an imagine, and want me to follow you, just give me a follow and I'll follow back, if we're not following each other already, of course. I ALWAYS follow back!

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