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I have posted a Supernatural One Shot book, and it would mean A LOT to me if you would just give it a peek!

~Anything for you~


You panted as you ran through the hallways, your heart beating fast as your only thought was: Find Kili. Find Kili, and fast!

Azog wanted the Durin line dead, and that meant that Kili was a target for the orcs.

You wouldn't let anything happen to your betrothed.

You stumbled, and nearly fell down a flight of stone stairs as you rounded a corner, going after Kili.

"Kili!" You shouted, panic laced throughout your voice. "Kili! Where are you! Please!"

You kept your head down, wincing as one of the eleven guards shoved you roughly.

"Hey!" Kili shouted, only to be silenced. He glared as he took your hand, glaring at any elf who dared breathe near you.

You glanced up at Kili, smiling gently in thanks, your hand receiving a reassuring squeeze. For being an elf yourself, you were quite short. The eleven healers had said it was a birth defect after your mother had given birth to you. What caused it? They don't know. But it was only your height that had been affected.

You had been surprised when the dwarves welcomed you among their group, seeing as you were an elf. Kili had told you it was because you were so innocent-looking and adorable it was hard to dislike you, even for Thorin, who was still slightly cold towards you, given your parentage, until he noticed how deeply you and Kili cared for each other.

"Sister?" You paled slightly, swallowing thickly as you looked up to meet the steely blue haze of your older brother.

"Hello, Legolas," you said, your voice small.

He remained steely. "Father will want to see you."

You gulped as Kili glanced worriedly at you.

Legolas led you to your father, Thorin not far behind seeing as Thranduil would want to speak with him as well.

"So this is where you ran off to, [Y/N]?" Thranduil questioned, his face void of any emotion.

You only nodded weakly in reply. "Not to mention you are...involved...with a dwarf! Betrothed!" He seemed to spit his last word out, as if it were poison.

He moved to stand directly in front of you, looking down at you, as he's done all your life. "What do you have to say for yourself?" He hissed, eyes flashing.

You looked deep into his eyes, feeling Thorin's stare boring into your back. "I love him," you told your father.

He sneered at you. "You know not what love is, [Y/N]! What you feel - it - is - not - real!" He spat.

You came to the bottom of a spiral staircase, your knees buckling as you caught sight of Kili, broken and bloody, limp on the ground.

"Kili!" You gasped, kneeling down beside him. "My love!"

You gently moved him so his head was resting in your lap. "[Y/N]," he breathed out, weakly raising one of his hands to cup your cheek. "I love you, so much."

You raised one of your hands to cover his, your fingers slipping in between his. "Do not talk like that, Kili! You will live! You have to!"

He smiled sadly up at you, tears welling in his eyes. "[Y/N], I love you, alright? Do not ever forget that."

You nodded, tears streaming down your face as his eyes slipped shut, his hand going limp in yours. "Kili? Kili! No! Wake up! Please, don't leave me," you sobbed, hunching over his body, crying into his chest.

Thranduil came down the stairs, his eyes immediately landing on you. You looked up at the sound of his footsteps, your eyes red from the tears. "Ada!" You sobbed. "It hurts, Ada, so much! If this is what love is, I don't want it." You stroked Kili's hair back from his face, tears still streaming from your eyes.

Thranduil moved to kneel beside you, wrapping you tightly in a long-overdue, much needed hug. "I know, my daughter, I know. But this is real. What you feel is real. I was wrong, daughter, very wrong, and for that I apologize."

You turned to wrap your arms tightly around your father, crying into his chest as he hugged you tighter. "I am so very sorry, [Y/N]."


I killed you guys off enough times, it was time for a change.

How many of you guys really expected that ending?

Remember to please check out my Dean Winchester fanfiction if you get the chance! I really want it to do well!

Thanks for reading!

Ps: this was written past midnight, so I apologize for any and all mistakes

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