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~You are part of the fellowship.~

Gandalf had called you to the council. You're half hobbit, half elf - a rarity, with even rarer talents. You're half hobbit, so you're short. Really, really short. Only three feet three inches tall. But, since you're half elf, you have the beauty, figure, and talents of one. You're a force to be reckoned with.

You were riding to Rivendell - alone - when you were ambushed by an orc pack, of about fifteen. You slaughtered them, and made haste towards the council room, your clothes ripped, and a fresh cut running from your temple to your jaw. You had managed to stem the bleeding.

When you arrived, everyone was arguing, and you could see a dark-haired hobbit, two or three inches taller than you, try to say something.

You got fed up with the arguing, and walked closer, catching the attention of the dark-haired hobbit.

"SILENCE!" You roared. The room immediately went quiet, and they looked to you.

Gandalf smiled sheepishly. "Ah, [Y/N]. You've finally arrived."

"I was attacked on the way, hence my rather rugged appearance. But enough of the pleasantries," you said. "I believe you wanted to say something?" You directed this last bit towards the dark-haired hobbit.

He nodded, throwing you a thankful look. His eyes were blue.

"I will take the ring to Mordor. Though...I do not know the way," he said, surprising you.

You looked to Elrond. "One does not simply walk into Mordor!"

"That's what I said!"

Elrond ignored both remarks. One by one, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and Boromir pledged themselves to him.

You stepped up. "You also have my services, Frodo Baggins. That ring will be destroyed even if it is the last thing I shall do."

Three more hobbits ran out, saying they will join.

Frodo pulled you aside after the council dispersed. "You don't have to do this, [Y/N]," he told you.

You shook your head. "Yes. I do, Frodo. I have my own reasons for doing this Frodo."

"What if you die, what would your family do?"

You looked him straight in the eye. "What family?"

You turned on your heel and walked away from Frodo, who was frozen in shock.


Frodo didn't want to admit it, but having you around made the burden the ring dropped on his shoulders lighter. So he was secretly relieved when you joined him and Sam.

You were there when he threw the ring into Mount Doom. The blast knocked you unconscious, and Frodo went to run over to you, but he was picked up by Gandalf's eagle before he could get to you.

Another eagle picked you up, and Frodo looked over his shoulder at you, worried.

You were set down, and Frodo ran to you. You groaned, and your eyes opened. Frodo laughed in relief, and hugged you tight. You hugged him back. When he pulled back, he looked into your eyes, and started leaning closer. His lips gently pressed against yours, making spark brighter than Gandalf's fireworks go off behind your eyelids.

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