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~Prank war.~

I know some of you are probably still in tears from my last preference (#sorrynotsorry) so I decided it was time for a laugh-your-ass-off imagine!

Okay, so you hadn't meant for it to quite this far, but here you are. Lying on the ground. Pretending to be dead.

It all started when Pippin decided to make one of Gandalf's fireworks go off under your chair on the porch to your hobbit hole. You had flown ten feet in the air, and landed right in your wheelbarrow full off dirt and weeds.

Pippin was in hysterics, rolling around behind the tree he was watching you from.

You decided to get revenge.

So, when he fell asleep by the stream, you creeped up to him and painted his toenails pink, and put some make up on his face.

He walked into town oblivious to this, causing everyone to laugh at him. He didn't know why until Merry told him.

So, the next time you went to the town tavern, your ale had exploded in your face, turning it a sickly green color. It didn't come out for a week.

And now, the prank that would end it all.

You covered the front of your shirt in red paint, and stuck a fake knife hilt to your chest. You had slowed your breathing, and laid yourself limply on the ground against Pippin's favorite tree.

You heard him whistling as he approached, his hobbit feet crunching the leaves on the ground.

This is gonna be good.

Pippin let out a rather... girlish... scream, before running your side.

"[Y/N]!? Oh, nononono! Please! Oh, Valar, no! You owe me money!"

"What?! I do not owe you money!"

Pippin screamed like a girl, falling backwards onto his bum. You were laughing now, clutching your stomach.

"Best. Prank. Ever!" You laughed, taking the fake knife hilt off your chest.

Pippin was gaping at you, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. "How -you- what -dead!" He stuttered, pointing at you, his finger trembling.

You stood up and bowed. "And that, my dear Peregrin, his how to end a prank war!"

You giggled before skipping off to your hobbit hole, whistling a merry tune.

Pippin shook his head. "What a woman," he said to himself, grinning.

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