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~You are badly injured.~

He woke up, and looked around him. "[Y/N]!" He gasped. "Where are you?!"

Gandalf stepped into the room, and looked sympathetically upon the son of Gondor. "We cannot find her," he said.

Faramir shot up. "What?! You have not looked hard enough!" He protested, stumbling to his feet.

"Faramir! You need rest!" Gandalf protested, rushing forward to settle Faramir back into his bed.

"No!" Faramir hissed. "Not until [Y/N] is found!" He protested, fumbling to strap on his boots and sword.

He ran from his room, and out to the battlefield.

His steps faltered as he laid eyes on it.

Orc corpses laid all over the place, and human bodies were plentiful as well.

He swallowed hard, and began searching.

Four hours later, you were still no where to be found.

He let out a frustrated yell, and kicked an orc helmet in rage, dropping to his knees.


Your leg was wounded pretty badly. Bad enough that you were forced to tie a tourniquet around it, with the belt to your dagger. You dropped the dagger, and it was kicked a few feet away by an orc battling one of the soldiers.

You crawled away from the battlefield, occasionally grunting in pain.

You collapsed onto the ground, letting the blackness over come you.


Faramir was still on his knees.

He tiredly ran his hands over his face, looking down at the ground.

A glint of silver caught his eye, and he looked at it.

His eyes widened as he picked it up.

Your dagger.

He looked around, seeing strange tracks. As though someone was crawling.

He followed them, a thin trail of blood making it easier to identify them in the trampled earth.

The trail of blood thickened, as if the movement of its source slowed, and Faramir spotted a body lying a few feet away, its leg cut up pretty badly.

Faramir's heart was beating madly in his chest as he leaned down and gently turned the body over.

His heart leapt into his throat.

"[Y/N]!" He choked out, cradling your body in his arms. He picked you up and rushed back to the city.

"Open the gate!" The guards called, seeing the steward's son running towards the city with a small, injured figure in his arms.

Faramir rushed into the city, running you up to the infirmary, where Pippin was sitting next to Merry's bed, talking softly. They looked up as he rushed in, eyes widening as they spotted him carrying you unconscious in his arms.

Faramir looked at Pippin. "Go get Gandalf! Quickly!"

Pippin scurried off, worry for his friend causing him to run faster than he ever has before.

He burst through the doors to the throne room, immediately spotting Gandalf, who was talking with Aragorn. They both looked up at the sound of his entry.

"Peregrin Took! Whatever is the matter?" Gandalf asked, noticing the hobbit's facial expression.

"It's [Y/N]!" He gasped out. Aragorn and Gandalf's eyes widened.

"What is wrong?" Aragorn asked.

"She's injured, badly!"

The two rushed to the infirmary, and Gandalf stood over you, chanting in elvish, as Faramir clutched your hand. Silently begging you to wake up.

Gandalf stopped chanting, and sighed, looking down upon your prone form.

"It is up to her whether if she wakes or not," he sad, watching sadly as Faramir clutched your hand to his chest, tears streaming down his face.

He sat next to you for days. The soldiers eventually left for Mordor, and you still haven't woken up yet.

The Fellowship, including Sam and Frodo, returned. You were still unconscious.

Faramir still sat next to you, your hand in his. "Please, [Y/N]. Wake up. I know you are alive, I know you can hear me. Please...wake up," he whispered to you, holding your hand tighter still.

Eventually, Sam woke. Followed by Frodo.

They were informed of your condition, and the entire Fellowship stood around your bed on the tenth day of your coma.

"Please," Faramir whispered. "Please."

As soon as the word fell from his lips, you let out a soft groan, fluttering your eyes open.

"Wh...what happened?" You asked, struggling to sit up.

Faramir helped you up, immediately pulling you into a hug. The Fellowship was cheering and smiling.

Their cheers grew even louder as you pulled Faramir into a kiss.

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