
9.1K 272 61


Happy reading! (Oh god the irony is killing me)

~Uh, yeah...I'll, uh, just let you guys figure it out...~


"Hide! Hide!" Merry hissed, as he ran ahead of you and Pippin, leading you away from the Uruks-Hai.

You grabbed Merry's hand as two of the giant beasts lumbered by, most likely towards Frodo, looking for the ring.

Merry looked down at you, and his heart twanged at the frightened look on your face. "We'll be okay, [Y/N]," he told you, squeezing your hand. "We'll be okay."

You three led the beasts away from Frodo and Sam, ending up in a small clearing cornered against a tree as Boromir bravely fought the Uruks to keep them away from you guys.

The Uruk-Hai forced Boromir closer to you guys, which frightened you. They were fighting to the death right in front of you.

And then that one Uruk-Hai started firing the arrows.

That frightened you further, and you began backing away.

You somehow missed the giant beast behind you.


Merry noticed you were gone, and looked around frantically for you. "[Y/N]?! [Y/N]?! Where are you, love?!"

He ran around the tree, and faltered to his knees, tears leaking from his eyes as he saw your limp form laying only feet away from him, your eyes staring blankly at the sky above you.

Merry's heartbreaking cries echoed through the trees, sending birds flying into the air.

He crawled over to you, shaking in pain and grief. He pulled your limp body into his lap, rocking back and forth as he sobbed into your hair.

Pippin stumbled around the tree to see what was wrong, only to collapse to his own knees, crying for his friend.

"Why [Y/N]? Why her? Why now? Why?" His face was red and blotchy, dripping with tears that fell into your hair.

He was suddenly lifted into the air, and thrown over the shoulder of an Uruk-Hai, along with Pippin.

"What about that one?" The one carrying Merry asked, gesturing to your limp form.

Merry was thrashing around, screaming and crying. "[Y/N]! [Y/N], please! No!"

"No. It's dead. It's of no use to us."

"[Y/N]!" Merry shrieked, struggling against his captor. "[Y/N]!"

The Uruks ran away with Pippin and a screaming Merry thrown over their shoulders.


Aragorn fought off the last Uruk, turning to Boromir, who has been struck with three arrows. "They took the little ones," he grunted, "[Y/N], she...she didn't make it..."

Boromir's eyes closed for the last time, and the remaining members of the fellowship stumbled over to your body, tears finally falling at the sight of someone so kind, so pure, so innocent, lying dead, undeserving of the death that had befallen her.

They laid Boromir to rest in one of the boats, and buried you under a great oak tree, swearing to return.

And they did.

Merry made sure of it.


*whistles innocently, sliding behind Gimli, who happens to be holding a giant ax*



Plz don't kill me, I'm too pretty to die.


But, srsly, plz don't brutally murder me.


Almost to 50k reads!! I loveeeee you guys!!!

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