requested - Legolas

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What do you guys think of the new cover?

I'm not going in any particular order on the requests, but I will try to get through as many as I possibly can. I chose this one first because it sounded depressing, and you all know how I am with depressing imagines.


Legolas watched, triumphant, as Bolg fell to his death, getting crushed by a large chunk of the bridge in the process.

His chest was heaving as he looked up, towards the tower. A piercing shriek echoed through the air, and he took off without a second thought, her name flashing through his head at lightning speed.

He leapt through the window, decapitating the orc, and tossing its filthy body out the window, before turning to face her. His sword fell from his hand, and he dropped to his knees, crawling over to her.

"Lillyanna," he choked out, pulling her to his chest.

She only whimpered in response, her body shuddering in pain.

Legolas aimed his arrow between Thorin's eyes. "Don't think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure."

The wood elves led the company into Thranduil's palace.


Legolas' ears twitched at the sound of a girl's voice, making him turn his head slightly to see the most beautiful elleth he's ever seen.

She grunted in pain again as the guard pushing her along squeezed her arm too tight. "You're hurting me!" She whimpered, only to have the guard shake her roughly.

"Belrían! You are dismissed!" Legolas commanded, glaring at the elf.


"You are dismissed!" The guard bowed, and left, leaving the elleth to rub her aching arms.

"Thanks," she muttered, looking down.

He nodded, and turned on his heel.

"I love you, Lillyanna," Legolas whimpered, gently caressing her cheek. "Ever since the first I time ever saw your face."

Her eyes were filled with tears, as she reached her hand up to shakily cup his cheek.

The sound of soft footsteps reached Lillyanna's ears, and she climbed to her feet, walking up to the bars of her cell door.

The rest of the company was fast asleep, as it was well into the night.



The blonde elf wrapped his larger hands around her smaller ones, pressing his forehead to hers through the cold metal bars. "If your father catches you-"

"I do not care what my damned father will do! He can not keep me from you!" He wound his arms through the bars and around her waist. She rested her hands on his chest and looked up into his crystal blue eyes.

His lips pressed to hers, and they spent a few blissful moments wrapped up in each other's embrace.

The sound of footsteps approaching startled them, and they pulled apart. "I'll see you tomorrow, my love," Legolas said, and quickly pressed his lips to Lillyanna's in a goodbye kiss.

"Goodbye," Lilly whispered to the darkness.

Legolas' tunic was stained bright red with Lilly's blood, as were his hands from trying to staunch the flow of blood.

"I don't regret one single moment with you my love," he whispered, his voice cracking. Her eyes were drooping, and her hand slowly slipped from his face. He immediately missed the warmth of her hand on his cheek. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Tears were now flowing freely from his eyes, and he clutched her to his chest, his shoulders wracking with silent sobs.

"I love you, Legolas," she managed to whisper.

"I love you, too, Darling," he said, tears dripping off his face and into her hair.

A soft sigh escaped Lilly's lips, and she went slack in Legolas' grip, her beautiful eyes slipping shut.

Legolas hunched over Lillyanna's body, sobbing loudly.

"You are forbidden, Legolas! Do you hear me? Forbidden to ever go near that girl again!" Thranduil seethed, his eyes narrowed at his son.

Legolas was fuming. "You cannot tell me what to do, Ada. She is my life, she is my world. I love her."

"You do not know what love is. Your love for her isn't real," Thranduil sneered, his robes whirling around him as he turned from his son. "You are forbidden from ever seeing her again, Legolas. End of discussion."

Thranduil slowly ascended the steps to the tower, already hearing his son's sobs.

He stepped into the doorway, where his eyes fell upon his grieving son.

Legolas looked up at his father with watery blue eyes. "If this is what love is, I don't want it. It hurts, Ada. It hurts," His voice was thick with tears, and croaky.

Thranduil slowly approached his son, and laid a hand on his shoulder. "It hurts, Legolas, because it was real. I was wrong - so horribly wrong, my son." Legolas was shocked to see a tear dribble down his father's face. "Could you ever forgive me?"

Legolas nodded, before looking back down at Lillyanna's body. "I loved her, Ada," he whimpered, wiping his red-rimmed eyes.

Thranduil drew his son in for a hug. "I know, my son," he consoled. "I know."


One request down, like 40 to go.


I hope this was depressing enough for you, Harleen-Quinzel !

Next request should be up soon!

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