~ samwise ~

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~not a joke~

Just a short little Drabble I wrote for my tumblr that I'm posting here because I feel bad for not posting in a bajillion years.


You stared at Sam, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

"It's honestly not that big of a deal, [Y/N]," Sam tried to console you, patting your shoulder. You didn't miss the smile he was obviously trying to hide from you.

"Do you think this is some kind of joke, you dick?"

Frodo hid a laugh as he tried to avoid getting involved.

"That...that thing ate my knapsack because he thought it was a small animal! And when he couldn't chew it, he threw it in the swamp!"

"It's just a bag, [Y/N]-"

"Just a bag? Just a bag?!"

"Here we go," Frodo muttered.

"That 'bag' had my journal in it, and my sketchbook, and the..."

Sam quirked an eyebrow. "The what?"

You looked down at your feet, digging your toes into the slightly damp ground. "The book you gave me before we left the Shire."

Sam gave you a sad smile, wrapping you tightly in a hug. "It's just a silly book. I'm rather glad Smeagol didn't throw you in. You're more important than some book."

You smiled, leaning back to look up at Sam. "I love you," you murmured, kissing him.

"I love you more."

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