requested - Fili

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No One's POV

"You smell like a donkey's arse."

"You look like a donkey's arse."

"Oh, go jump into Mount Doom!"

"Ladies first!"

Aywa groaned loudly in frustration, throwing her hands up into the air. "You are so infuriating, Fili Durin!"

"I'm infuriating? You obviously haven't met yourself!" He retorted, glaring at her.

Aywa rolled her eyes. "So mature," she grumbled, crossing her arms as she followed the rest of the company on her pony, towards some old burnt-down farm house they'll be camping near.

The company listened on in amusement. As annoying as Aywa and Fili's rivalry is, at times it can be quite entertaining. Especially when they're bored.

Aywa went to sleep as far as possible from Fili, turning her back to him.


Aywa awoke to being swung side to side by her feet.

She screamed, looking up to see a stinking troll carrying her, along with one of the ponies.

He hog-tied her to a stake, and Aywa looked over to see the rest of the company either roasting over a fire, or tied up in sacks.

"You untie me this instant you filthy cretins!"

The trolls just laughed at her, and went back to discussing how to eat the other dwarves.

Fili couldn't keep his eyes off of Aywa.

Sure he couldn't stand to breathe the same air as her most of the time, but he didn't want to see her hurt.

What is wrong with me?

"Can't I just eat the girly now?" One of the trolls whined.

"Whatever. Just don't spoil your supper," one of the other trolls said.

Fili felt a white-hot rage build up inside of him when the troll's hand wrapped around Aywa's waist.

Her eyes met his, and he saw fear in hers, and she saw fear...and his.

The troll raised her up farther...

"May the dawn take you all!"

"Who's he?"

"Can we eat 'im, too?"

The giant rock Gandalf was standing on cracked, and the trolls turned to stone.

The one holding Aywa dropped her, and she fell twenty feet to the ground.

"No!" Fili cried, watching her fall.

Gandalf freed him, and he ran to her, pulling her into his lap.

"Wake up, Aywa! Please!" He stroked her cheek with his knuckles. "I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you. Everything. For Durin's sake, Aywa! Wake up! I love you."

Gandalf approached, and laid his hand on her forehead.

She jolted awake, and looked into Fili's eyes. "Did you really mean that?"

Fili nodded.

She pulled his head down to hers and kissed him soundly on the mouth.

"I always knew they fancied each other," Kili whispered, rather loudly, to Dwalin.

Fili and Aywa blushed.



Hope you liked it!



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