~Aragorn: Part Two~

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PLEASE READ: a GIANT thank you to those of you who decided to check out my Dean Winchester fanfiction (Fallen)! I have also posted a Supernatural Imagines book for anyone who is interested! Please check them both out of you have the time!

Okay. Shameless Self-Promo over. ☺️

Second and final part to

~A Shadow in the Night~

(The last Aragorn one I did before this one, in case you need a refresher)


Aragorn wasn't really all that surprised when you volunteered to join the Fellowship of the Ring, given your outstanding amounts of bravery that were very apparent in your character.

And so far, you have proven yourself to be more than worthy of this quest.

You gained Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir's trust within the first day, despite the fact you never removed your black hood. The hobbits already liked you. Gandalf had also taken a liking to you.

Aragorn was surprised with the feelings he was experiencing around you. He felt rather...attached to you, as if there was some sort of...profound bond. He wasn't sure if you could feel it as well. Or if you did, if you liked it.

But now, as he watched you fearlessly cut your way through the orcs, an expression of pure focus and determination on your face, he knew.

He knew that it was more than some... profound bond or whatever.

He loved you.

Months of traveling with you had built up to this.

Nights alone on watch, just talking.

Saving each other's lives.

Just sitting in a comfortable silence together.

He had felt it all those times as well, but back then, he didn't know what it was.

Now, he does.

Love. It's love. He loves you.

"Aragorn! Behind you!"

He ducked just in time, your sword gliding over his head to kill the Orc that had just been abut to kill him.

"Thank you," he panted.

"My pleasure," you said, giving him a small smile.

The orcs were defeated, and you stood side by side with the rightful king of Gondor, looking over the carnage of the battle field.

"We did it," you breathed, looking up Aragorn from under your hood.

"We did," he agreed.

He hesitantly brought his hands up, and wrapped his fingers around the brim of your hood, and slowly pushed it back, giving you a chance to stop him.

He pushed your hood back.

And the breath was knocked out of him.

You were beautiful, breathtaking, stunning, gorgeous.

His heart started hammering in his chest, and he leaned down. You stood on your toes to meet him halfway.

And you kissed him.

"You feel the same, then?" You asked, pulling away and looking into his eyes.

He nodded. "I do. I feel... I feel as if you are the other half of me... There is a strong bond between us."

You smiled, pushing some of his long hair behind his ear. "We shadowfolk, we find only one person to spend our entire lives with. A soul mate. And when we meet them, they feel it, too. Some choose to ignore it, and I was hoping you weren't."

Aragorn smiled shaking his head. "Why would I ignore it? You are amazing. Beautiful. Most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

You smiled up at him, and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him again.


School sucks ass.

I am not so proud of this. I feel like it could have been better. It was also very cheesy towards the end. Blah.

I also squeezed a Supernatural reference in there. Anyone find it? :)

So again, thank you to those who checked out Fallen!

And for those who are interested, I posted a Supernatural Imagines book, as said above. There are three of them up already, and a fourth to come later today!

Thanks for reading, dudes!

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