~ thorin ~

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~ The Silver Wolf ~

You sat with the Company amongst some tall rocks, waiting for the return of Bilbo. You leaned your head back against the stone behind you, closing your eyes as you let out a deep sigh.

Your sharp ears picked up the sound of large feet scuttling across the stone. You sat up, sharp eyes opening. "He's back," you said, standing. The rest of the Company climbed to their feet, and you joined Thorin at his side, staring at the opening in the rock. No sooner had you joined the King's side, the small hobbit came scuttling down.

"We might have a problem," he panted.

"Did they see you?" Gandalf demanded. "They saw you!" He accused.

Bilbo shook his head exasperatedly. "No, no. They didn't see me."

Gandalf smiled. "What did I tell you. Perfect burglar material: he's quiet as a mouse." The dwarves all mumbled their approval, loudly talking amongst themselves.

Bilbo huffed air out his nose. "No—you're not listening to me!"

"Are they close?" Thorin demanded over the noise.

"No more than three leagues—but-but listen: there's something else out there!"

The dwarves started muttering amongst themselves again.

"Tell me," Gandalf started. "Did it take the form of a bear?"

Your gaze snapped to the old wizard, eyes narrowing.

"Ye–yes. How did you know?"

"I know of someone nearby who can help us," Gandalf said simply.

"Are they friend or foe?" Thorin asked, moving to stand closer to you.

"Neither," Gandalf replied. "He will either help us. Or kill us."

"Well, that's nightly reassuring," you spat, crossing your arms.

Thorin's hand fell upon your shoulder. You turned your head to look at him. He kept his gaze on the company as he spoke.

"What choice do we have."

And so the company ran.

A large black bear was chasing after you and the company.

"There!" Gandalf shouted. "That house up ahead!"

Thorin was beside you, dark hair trailing behind him as he ran.

You glanced over your shoulder, at the bear.

Sorry about this, Beorn, you said in your head.

You turned around, charging towards the bear.

"[Y/N]! No!" Thorin screamed.

"Keep running!" You called, voice fierce.

And you leapt forward, shifting into a great silver wolf.

Claws and teeth clashed as your now extremely large body collided with Beorn's. Well, the bear part of him, anyway.

Thorin stood, shocked and stiff in the doorway of the house, eyes fixed on your battle with the bear.

You're a wolf. A skin changer.

"Thorin! [Y/N] is quite capable of handling herself. Come!" Gandalf's voice broke through his reverie, and he allowed himself to be dragged inside the house by Fili and Dwalin.

Thorin sat for what felt like hours in that house before a weak noise came from the door. It opened, and you fell in, onto your knees. You clasped a ragged cloak to your bare, battered body.

"[Y/N]," Thorin gasped, rushing to your side.

He helped you to your feet and led you to his bedding, which was no more than a blanket thrown over a pile of hay.

"Why did you do that?" Thorin demanded, throwing another blanket over you, as the ragged cloak did little to cover your bare form.

"Gave you guys...time to get to safety..." You muttered, clutching the blanket to yourself.

"That was foolish!" Thorin scolded. "You could have died!"

"But I didn't," you retorted.

Thorin sighed. He looked at your face. The smooth, flawless skin had been marred by scratches, some of which were bleeding. He didn't want to imagine what the rest of you looked like. Injury-wise.

He leant his forehead against yours. "I'm sorry. You worried me, [Y/N]. I thought I'd lost you."

You gave him a gentle, forgiving smile. "You won't ever lose me, Thorin, my love."

His eyes closed as he pressed his lips fiercely to yours, hands cupping either side of your face. You kissed him back just as passionately, eyes screwed shut.

A few hours later you had regained enough strength to slip on a tunic and breeches.

Oin had looked over your injuries and patched you up. You were still too weak to walk on your own, so you spent the rest of the night lying on Thorin's bedding or being aided by Thorin himself with moving.

In the morning, you were the very last to emerge from Beorn's house to be presented to him.

"[Y/N]," Beorn said, voice somber. "I...apologize for any harm I have caused you."

You waved it off. "It's alright, old friend. Nothing I haven't seen before. Besides, I attacked you. Please accept my apology."

He waved it off.

The company plus the wizard and the skin changer walked back into the house.

You and Thorin stood alone in the room the company had spent the night in.

Thorin took your hand, and smiled at you.

You smiled back, using his hand to tug him closer. You kissed him hard, wrapping your arms around his neck as his wrapped around your waist, his large hands resting on your back.

He pulled back. "So...a silver wolf?"

You laughed, pulling his lips back to yours.

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