Thank You!

9.9K 112 2

Guys, I would just like to take the time to thank all of you for reading and voting for my imagines! I honestly thought o wouldn't even get anywhere close to 200 reads, but guys! I now have 10k reads and I'm positively the happiest human being alive at the moment. Thank you guys so much! A special imagine will be posted either today or tomorrow as a further thank you to all of you!

You guys are seriously the best!

And also, I would love you guys even more if you'd check out my stories Return of the Queen (Faramir/OC) and The White Rider (Thorin/OC *finished*).

You guys are seriously the best ever, and I love all of you!!

Thank you so much!


The Hobbit  and Lord of the Rings ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now