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~Dwarven braids.~

I thought this would be cute... ☺️

The glow of the fire was the only light, and your only source of warmth. Your pack had been lost when those dumb trolls dumped it in the fire while holding you upside down. No blanket, no extra cloak...no nothin'!

It was your watch, and the camp was silent, the only sound was Bombur's horrid snoring and the occasional rustle of blankets.

A breeze drifted by, shaking the leaves on the trees above your head, and making you shiver, your teeth chattering noisily. You gathered your thin jumper closer around you, hoping to hold what's left of your body heat in.

Something heavy and soft was draped over your shoulders, and you looked up, surprised, to see Thorin sit down next to you.

"You looked cold," he said.

"Thank you. But, won't you be cold?"

Thorin shook his head. "No. My clothing is far heavier than yours."

You nodded.

You two sat in a comfortable silence for a while, watching the dying fire spark and sizzle.

You inconspicuously scooted closer to Thorin.

He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer. You smiled softly to yourself, leaning into him.

You felt him play with your long hair, running his fingers through it, gently tugging at the loose curls.

"[Y/N]..." He said, looking down at you.

"Yeah, Thorin?" You asked, looking up.

"There has been something I've wanted to ask you for a while now..."

You quirked an eyebrow, looking up at him. "Yeah..?"

"Would you allow me to...to court you?" He asked, blushing slightly.

You blushed, too. "I would love that," you whispered back to him, making him grin widely in return.

"Then would you allow me to braid your hair?" He asked, still smiling brightly.

"Of course!" You giggled, sitting up to allow him the use of both arms.

He clasped it with a clip with a 'D' engraved on it.

It was your turn to braid his hair. You took your courting bead with your last name's initial out of your pocket, and weaved your own braid into Thorin's hair, clasping it with your courting bead

When he turned back to face you, he was smiling softly, a new light in his blue eyes.

He cupped your cheek cheek in his large hand, leaning in. You could feel his warm breath on your face, and his lips brushed yours.

He immediately pressed his lips more firmly against yours, savoring the taste of your mouth.

"[Y/N]," he breathed, pulling away just enough to gently lean his forehead against yours. "You are my One."

You smiled widely, pulling Thorin's lips back down to yours.

You fell asleep, cuddled into his side. He fell asleep with his arms wrapped protectively around you.

The Company woke before you two, and they gathered around, noticing the matching braids.

"Well it's about time!" Ori exclaimed, waking you both up.

You jolted awake, and blushed, hiding your face in your One's neck in embarrassment, noticing the whole Company was grinning knowingly at you.




An update that won't require you to get intensive therapy!

I promise I won't upload any more depressing one-shots. For a while, at least. Muahahaha!

People actually started commenting!

You have no idea how happy that made me! Keep it coming, peeps! Don't be Silent Readers!

PS: I reached 1K reads!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!

PPS: Who else is getting an iPhone 6? Mine came today!!!

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