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~He hasn't seen you since Erebor was taken, and you show up at Bilbo's.~

"[Y/N]!" Thorin yelled. "Run! Go!"

You looked up at him, eyes wide. "But-"

"Go! I will not let you die, my love. Go." You look deep into his blue eyes, kiss him hard on the mouth, and run with Dis towards the Iron Hills.

He watched you go.

Smaug flew over head, and you pushed Dis away, letting the flames appear to engulf you.

"No!" Thorin cries, eyes locked on where you used to be standing.

Dwalin got him moving, and they escaped from Smaug's wrath.


Thorin sat down at the head of the hobbit's table, eating the food that was placed in front of him.

He was about to speak when a light knock was heard. His brow furrowed. "I was not aware anyone else would be coming," he said, looking questionably at Gandalf, whose eyes were twinkling.

Bilbo huffed and went to answer the door. I swear! If it's one more dwarf! he grumbled to himself.

He pulled it open to be greeted with the sight of a shorter figure, their face hidden by a cloak.


You walked into the hobbit hole, past a hobbit - obviously - and stood in the kitchen, where everyone was gathered.

You saw many familiar faces. Balin, Dwalin, Gloin, Oin...Thorin.

"Who are you?" Thorin asked, looking you up and down.

In response, you pulled your cloak off in one fluid motion, revealing your face to everyone.

You were as beautiful as he remembered you to be, even with the scars that marred your face, arms, and neck.

"[Y/N]?" Thorin whispered, standing and walking towards you, slowly, as if he could scare you away.

"Hi," you whispered, looking deep into his eyes.

He hugged you tight, and you wound your arms around his neck, breathing in his woodsy scent. "I thought you had died!"

"I did, too. Gandalf found me, and brought me to the elves," you told him, pulling away slightly.

He brushed your hair from you scarred face, and crashed his lips to yours.

You kissed him back just as enthusiastically, amidst the cheers and wolf-whistles of his company. Mostly from his nephews.

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