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a member of the king's guard thwarts an assassination attempt...

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Being one of King Thranduil's personal guards, you've often found it weird that he's never spoken one word to you. Of course, there's been a few long, heated stares from across the throne room or the courtyard, but no words were exchanged. The king is a very handsome elf; piercing blue eyes, pin-straight hair that was the color of starlight, and a regal jawline that sent shivers down your spine.

Today, something was off.

You couldn't tell what or why, but you just felt...weird. Like something bad was going to happen.

The King was in his throne room, speaking with some advisors as you and his other guard stood post off to the side.

The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, and you glanced around the room, assessing. A dark, swiftly moving shadow caught your attention for a brief moment, and when you returned your gaze to the king, he was already looking at you.

He slightly raised his brow for a brief moment - so quick you almost missed it - before returning his attention to his advisors.

Moments later, you and the other guard were walking behind the king as he made his way to the courtyard to meet with his son.

Movement in the shadows caught your attention again, and you turned your gaze at the right moment to see a cloaked figure leap out from behind a pillar, a sword raised to kill.

To kill the king, who did not have any sort of weapon on him, as far as you knew.

Within seconds you had your blade drawn, leaping forward to intercept the assailant's sword. Metal clashed against metal.

The assailant managed to slice your cheek, but you ignored the sting of the cut as you expertly disarmed him, launching his blade into the air and catching it behind your back, gracefully twirling both blades to bring the tips to his throat.

You heard the King command the other guard to arrest the assailant and bring him to the dungeons. You only lowered your blades when his hands were bound.

"I thank you, [Y/N]. You've done a great service today."

You bowed your head. "No need to thank me, My King. It is my duty to protect you."

A small smile flickered at the King's lips. "And yet I still offer you my thanks. Perhaps tonight you could join me for dinner?"

You raised a brow. "But I's always...oh. You mean..."

This time a real smile stretched arose the King's face. "Yes. A date."He turned to walk away. "And lose the armor! I want to see you in a dress." He turned to face you before he walked through the doors to the courtyard. "You are dismissed for today, I shall have Belrían take your place for the rest of the day. I shall see you at dinner time."

You smiled, bowing once more. "I will see you at dinner, My King."

You waited until he was in the courtyard before turning and running down the hall towards your quarters, your face blushing red and giggles escaping your mouth like a child. Dinner with the king! You couldn't believe it.



Hello! Just a short imagine today, sorry! I just thought the idea was cute lol

And if you're a Stranger Things fan...

I posted a new Billy Hargrove (yes I know he's a dick but I loved him after s3 (that and Dacre Montgomery is a BABE)) fanfiction! It's called Killer Queen and the first chapter is up as well the intro and prologue, and it would mean a lot to me if you guys would go give it a peek! xoxo

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